Rebels & Patriots - a new set of skirmish rules from Osprey

Started by Steve J, 05 January 2018, 10:09:48 PM

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Steve J

I can now officially talk about the following rules that I'm helping to playtest for Michael Leck &  Dan Mersey. Details can be found below:

Can't go into too much detail, but if you like any of Michael and Dan's previous rules, I'm sure you will like these.


Very interesting. I've been meaning to tweak TMWWBK for playing the F&I War, so perhaps I'll wait for these.


QuoteThe rules are written with a focus at conflicts on the North American continent from The French and Indian War (1754–1763), through The American War of Independence (1775-1783), War of 1812 (1812–1815), Texas Revolution (1835-1836), Mexican–American War (1846-1848), up to the American Civil War (1861-1865)

111 years and some fairly major changes in technology and tactics...  :-\
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Dave Fielder

How is (has) the play tested going (gone)? Is it best in 28mm or (knowing Steve J) could proxy 10mm stuff be used? I assume the later ... Send SITREP
Romeo and Juliet is a Verona Crisis

Steve J

Play testing complete and rules with Osprey. Publication next year IIRC. 10mm absolutely fine Dave, either individually based or grouped.

Dave Fielder

Romeo and Juliet is a Verona Crisis


Quote from: paulr on 06 January 2018, 01:31:01 AM
111 years and some fairly major changes in technology and tactics...  :-

I understand they're based on the Lion Rampant engine - so "large skirmish" where such factors might be regarded as less critical.

The blocker for me is that American terrain (especially the man-made bits) has a quite specific look.


Sounds interesting. TMWWBKs was a big improvement over Lion Rampant to me, so it will be interesting to see what these rules bring. The pikemans lament looked interesting but I haven't played it.
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Quote from: fred. on 15 June 2018, 11:36:58 AM
Sounds interesting. TMWWBKs was a big improvement over Lion Rampant to me, so it will be interesting to see what these rules bring. The pikemans lament looked interesting but I haven't played it.

There's certainly a type of rules whose base engine flexes nicely across many generally accepted wargaming genres.

DBA spawned a host of unofficial "period variants", and a couple of official ones.
Ganesha games "Blades and heroes" core has been applied to a bewildering variety of settings.
The Warmaster command engine (with tweaks) roll for anything between Ancients to WW2 (and later).

This tells me two things.
We gamers are a flexible bunch who will leave no stone unturned in a quest to find the perfect rules for our favourite setting.
Simple models for command and combat are easy to tweak for different settings.