Indian Mutiny Uniforms

Started by parkerm17, 23 June 2018, 06:07:54 PM

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I am sure there are many like me eagerly awaiting the release of this range and looking around for details of the uniforms of the British and their Allies and the Mutineers.   Can I recommend looking at the website of Iron Duke Miniatures, who produce an excellent and very comprehensive range of 28mm figures for this conflict, and as well as illustrating the information with pictures of painted figures (do not be tempted: you would need much more space, much more money and much greater painting skills than I possess to think of such a project in the larger scale!)   The company's website gives just about all the information anyone could require on uniforms, organisation, history timeline (with contemporary illustrations).   Their researchers are to be congratulated and all the information you could possibly require is there for you.   I wonder just which flags will be available for both the British regiments and the mutineers?


What a fantastic web site !   Thank you for passing this on.

Hope you find the information you are after (I tend to rely on the
Mollo book which is an excellent overview but may not have the
detail you are after).



Incredible, and a lot less Crimson among the regulars that I'd expected.


Yep, one of the beauties of the Mutiny is the very wide range of attire worn by the troops. I did the 95th Rifles for my camel corp troops in mauve with black facings. Very colorful lot they are too!

There are two excellent books for uniforms and one of them, the second Osprey book is a take from the other - "Armies of the 19th Century - The British in India 1825 to 1859" by John French. The French book is truly excellent!!!

Re the Osprey book, the second one is the better of the two, and gives some nice color representations of the uniforms described in the French book. The first seems more history than uniform.

Hope this is helpful,

"My heart has joined the thousand for a friend stopped running today." Mr. Richard Adams


We'll be doing some flags for the new ranges once they're ready, so if anyone comes across any useful flag info that'd be great. - Now home to over 7000 products, including 4500 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints and much, much more!



Again, try the Iron Duke Miniatures website: I think you will find there all you will need.