Turret issues...

Started by Wulf, 14 June 2018, 10:31:06 PM

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While I can't disagree with any of the counterarguments raised, all I will say is: other manufacturers manage to have rotating turrets, of the same tank types, at closely comparable cost and detail.

While I will always support Pendraken for their excellent service & responsiveness, and this forum, the best I know of for the hobby, their most recent tanks have been very problematic for me. Ignoring the ones with turrets that don't rotate, or don't do so smoothly, if a tank turret just doesn't sit on the deck because of obstructions (like the Chaffee & T-34/76D), it's inaccurate.

Oh, and why play a skirmish game at 10mm? Because everything I have for gaming is scaled to 10mm, from dinosaurs to Star Wars, and I can quite happily play the game in that scale once I find the right minis to use. It's easy, even for tanks with tiny little turrets like the PzII or T-60 (and the PD minis are perfectly good for those).


BTW found a wonderful replacement for Super glue that has revolutionised my Pendraken tank building.

This is Bostik all purpose tube glue:-


Whilst one has to be a little careful with stringing it holds well when wet [better than my favorite superglue gel], allows adjustment and dries rapidly.

Makes assembling Pendraken tanks a breeze [and have not had to unglue anything from my fingers this year]


And we on this forum all accept Wulf's right of choice to use 10mm throughout his entire wargame experience.  No "scale police" will hound him.  In preludes to our family wargames, I engineer a small skirmish game with single based 10mm personalities.  Col Rolf Steiner (KUS 27) makes his debut this next such game.   Now the rules are adapted from 28mm - but they work.

With regard to scale, all sculptors often exaggerate certain features to be more pleasing to the eye, or even to "look right" (Techno can explain). This all stems from our figures being bigger, with larger weapons than true 1/150.  This exaggeration can and does extend to vehicles.  This may inhibit aspects like turret rotation/fit.    It is custom practice because the customer expectation is that 10mm turrets are not expected to rotate.

With a glued turret and Matt J's magic, the Pendraken MDV 21 Chaffee looks swell to me.  I have three to build and paint next week.

Thank you Karbrank for the Bostik option. Does it secure figures to bases ?  Last time I used a Bostik glue was in the 1960s in a failed attempt to secure Airfix US cavalry horses to their bases.  Memories .  :)


I don't glue turrets as a rule,so that when I drop the tank, which I do from time to time, the turret has a chance to fall away undamaged.

I don't need a turret to rotate perfectly is situ, I am okay with lifting the turret slightly, turning and then dropping it back down, so the direction of fire and turret facing is indicated, but all turrets, regardless of pricing point etc, should sit in the correct position in relation to the body of the tank and generally be a good fit.


Quote from: Dave on 26 June 2018, 03:35:39 PM
I'll look at redoing the chaffee.

I've reshaped the chaffee turret its now slightly smaller and rotates.



Hmm, any game that needs the turret to be turned in the correct direction is far too complicateddetailed for my limited attention span.

Having said that, I agree with Wulf that there is something that looks a bit odd about some of the new-ish vehicles. To this un-educated eye, looking at the new Shermans, some of the turrets do look not quite right. A bit flat, maybe? The missing front gear wheel really grates with me as well - they're part of the iconic 'look' of a Sherman tank.

Looking at the M47, the barrel looks odd - too short? And the exaggerated thickness of the weight at the end. To counter-balance that, the T-54 looks stunning!

These observations are from the website photos, by the way. Not yet seen any in the flesh - they may well look better in real life.

Although I am considering an order of one each of a T-54, Centurion Mk.5 and an M47 just to see what they look like . . . Cold war gone hot is currently calling to me.

Cheers, M.

Matt J

I think the short barrel on the M47 is down to the angle I took the photo. If you look at the bare metal pic the barrel looks a lot longer.

And yes the T 54 is a stunning model as is the cent I have a few of both  :D
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Quote from: Dave on 15 November 2018, 07:29:04 PM
I've reshaped the chaffee turret its now slightly smaller and rotates.
Thanks for that.

Heedless Horseman

Quote from: Dave on 15 November 2018, 07:29:04 PM
I've reshaped the chaffee turret its now slightly smaller and rotates.


And now for a version without skirts...???  Sorry, your efforts will be appreciated...just many will wish their M24's to be like Hollywood...post war...you don't see skirts in films!)  :)
(40 Yrs ago. I should have been an Angry Young Man... but wasn't.
Now... I am an Old B******! )  ;)

Heedless Horseman

16 November 2018, 01:14:43 AM #24 Last Edit: 16 November 2018, 01:26:28 AM by Heedless Horseman
The re-mastered vehicles are MUCH better than the old versions. However, IMHO, some of the turrets...especially the US  based tanks...seem to have the gun and mantlet set very slightly too high...giving an odd look to the turret. Not by much...but on the low angle pics, it can be off putting.  Looking down at the piece 'on the table' you don't see it at all.
Toothed drive wheels and track links a re easy to improve to 'fit for purpose' with a knife. Gun mountings, not so.
My personal 'grumble' is having to drill out turret hatches and fit commander figs...and those Bl***y hatch covers that always get lost in the carpet...but you cannot have everything!
Incidentally, a long while back, there seemed to be some progress to stowage pieces...(mainly to fit for Shermans, but thin enough to be cut down and 'personalised' to fit most allied vehicles. I cannot find the thread now but someone seemed to be taking an interest as this stuff could be VERY useful!
Keep up the good work!  :)  :)
(40 Yrs ago. I should have been an Angry Young Man... but wasn't.
Now... I am an Old B******! )  ;)


but besides the aqueduct, roads, public baths, irrigation and sanitation, What have the Romans ever done for us :D



Yes the Bostic all purpose glues figures to bases OK [seams to glue most dissimilar materials together as well as similar materials.

It dries quick and is not weakened like some PVA glue if you then sand/paint bases with acrylics.

Overall this was a great find.

Echo comments of T54 and Centurion and with a little "fettling" converted the T54 to a T54-2 and with a lot of filing to T44

Centurion II conversion next

Duke Speedy of Leighton

Keep misreading this thread title as "Toilet issues"!  (:| =O X_X :-$
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


Quote from: mad lemmey on 16 November 2018, 08:36:32 AM
Keep misreading this thread title as "Toilet issues"!  (:| =O X_X :-$

A subject that given the average age of this forum is going to become more and more relevant.  ;D
The cynics are right nine times out of ten. -Mencken, H. L.

Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well. - Robert Louis Stevenson


Quote from: Raider4 on 15 November 2018, 08:41:13 PM
Although I am considering an order of one each of a T-54, Centurion Mk.5 and an M47 just to see what they look like . . . Cold war gone hot is currently calling to me.
The Centurion 5 is nice, but I found the tracks stick out fractionally wider than the trackguards, making fitting the side skirts annoying. Check first & trim before assembly!