Free digital Warlord rulesets

Started by Fenton, 30 May 2018, 02:21:08 PM

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If I were creating Pendraken I wouldn't mess about with Romans and  Mongols  I would have started with Centurions , eight o'clock, Day One!


ooh, good find. Unlikely to actually use any of these, but I do love me some free!

Last Hussar

As I have BP and P&S these will be useful, might as well get HC while I'm about it.
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Yes, got the mail as well and ordered them as well.


Good find and immediately used. Not sure if I will ever get to use them but stranger things have happened.
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Very useful, thanks for the heads up on this.


Anyone any thoughts on why Warlord are doing this?

These 3 rulesets are big glossy books, are they giving away the PDFs so that people then think they must have the book to see everything properly. Or have sales of the books dropped so low that giving away the PDFs is the only way of increasing the number of copies of rules in people's hands?

Last year they offered a lot of their PDFs at half-price and I picked up a number then, mainly on the basis of why not.

Its certainly a way of increasing the number of copies of the rules in gamers' hands, not sure it increases the number of games being played with the rules.
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31 May 2018, 07:37:56 AM #8 Last Edit: 31 May 2018, 07:41:58 AM by petercooman
I honestly believe that a lot less of the rulebooks get sold now.

Since they started selling started sets with a smaller copy of the book, there is less need for the glossy tomes. I got the bolt action starter set, so i do not need to buy  the big book now.

About the pdf's, I always find pdf's to be costly affaires.  Specialist of you already have the book in physical form. Some companies do it better though, like ganesha games.I think their price is on point. ( wich reflects the amount of pdf's i bought from them)

Another thing to bear in mind, on the old warlord games forums there was a thread talking about a new edition of black powder. Don't know if that is a possibility, but maybe this is a strategy to get more people in before they revamp?


New editions are certainly a thought. Although there is so little to the actual BP rules I'm not sure what a new edition would look like!

Yes most publishers don't offer much of a deal for physical and PDF. I quite like the book when first learning rules, which I find hard off just at PDF probably as it is hard to flick through to find bits you have seen. But after a couple of games the PDF is much better for occasional reference, and takes up far less space.
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Ben Waterhouse

Really can't fathom the logic behind this, but I won't sniff at £60 worth of rules.
Arma Pacis Fulcra


I wondered if their loss of data from the GDPR was behind it, as that'll get a lot of people signed back up again!
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I heard that as a reason as well
If I were creating Pendraken I wouldn't mess about with Romans and  Mongols  I would have started with Centurions , eight o'clock, Day One!


Quote from: fred. on 31 May 2018, 11:38:52 AM
New editions are certainly a thought. Although there is so little to the actual BP rules I'm not sure what a new edition would look like!

Yes most publishers don't offer much of a deal for physical and PDF. I quite like the book when first learning rules, which I find hard off just at PDF probably as it is hard to flick through to find bits you have seen. But after a couple of games the PDF is much better for occasional reference, and takes up far less space.

Same here. Books are great to start with, tablet with pdf's easier to carry around. In some cases, like with SOBH, the rules section itself is small enough to print out for the first game, so that is a viable option. Big books like black powder are not that cost effective to print out though!


Actually, a copy of HC/P&S/BP with all the fluff taken out and just the actual base rules would be dead handy... maybe with the special characteristics section on the end, now I think about it.
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