Distant shooting with low-power weapons

Started by FierceKitty, 20 September 2012, 02:49:01 AM

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One of the reasons why I'm not playing anything before the renaissance these days is that since rule sets of the last decade or so have clearly shewn that the wargame without book-keeping or individual casualty removal is possible and much more streamlined, I can't stand the idea of reverting to the old stuff. But DBxing light troops, while fine for small numbers of skirmisher types who are there to support, distract, pursue, and generally irritate, just don't reflect the slow but ultimately deadly trickle of casualties which are essential to many ancient and medieval armies. In DBM, only a fool would try to win using Parthian or Mongol tactics; which, since those were definitive killer armies on home ground (for Mongols, this means most of Eurasia, I realise), is a real weakness in the rules.

Apart from that, shooting circles, wedges, expendable first-round weapons, and shielded/non-shielded targets are just not reflected in those rules, nor can I see how most of them could be, unless one were prepared to discard everything that otherwise makes such rulesets attractive options.

Anyone want to throw in ideas, however silly?
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Duke Speedy of Leighton

Try Hail Caesar or Warmaster they both deal with it fairly well, maybe there are some rules you can steal from there?
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I think HC deals well with these issues.  Light troops are effective, but have their weaknesses. Horse archers can be very hard to kill as they can evade up to a triple move, and even if they go off the board they will return in the next turn or so.

We've mainly played with Fantasty armies and the high Elves with lots of light archers, both foot and mounted, along with a heavy cavalry wing are very powerful.
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I just saw this topic FK.

For Mongols

How about Light Horse get an auto evade if charged.  This means they can sit in bow range without fear of being charged apart from other light horse. 

Allow Mongol Units to break off combat on successful command/morale roll and retreat a full move.  Unit they were in combat with must then take a Command morale test not to pursue.

This will then allow the Mongols to turn round and hit a disorganised pursuing unit
The cynics are right nine times out of ten. -Mencken, H. L.

Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well. - Robert Louis Stevenson


Thanks. I have of course had six years to work on the problem....lol
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


I read the date as 2017 - that's what comes of reading posts without my glasses  :)
The cynics are right nine times out of ten. -Mencken, H. L.

Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well. - Robert Louis Stevenson