Calling all 2018 Blitzkrieg Commander enthusiasts !

Started by hakejumble, 17 November 2017, 09:02:30 PM

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Hi all!

Whilst I am still fairly green in the wargaming world compared to others, I am currently looking at putting together some kind national league/group of ww2 10mm wargamers.

I want really to get the general consensus on whether you believe this could be done realistically. Ideally I am not looking at putting an event on every weekend (unless there is the appetite for it), but maybe a small gathering at shows around the country throughout the year to promote the genre and generally meet network with others from different parts of the country.

At the moment I have plans for Normandy "bocage" style skirmishes between the British and Wehrmacht around Caen, and there is also scope to cover operations on the Eastern Front 42-44.

There is a handful of us over at the Grimsby Wargames Society who have been in discussion over the past few weeks about it, and I thought before going forward to the next level, if there is anyone else out there interested in being a part of the same sort of idea?

I am open to all suggestions!



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