Make-your-own buildings out of cardboard

Started by Raider4, 13 October 2017, 05:02:36 PM

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Inspired by seeing Peter Cooman's paper/card boats, I thought I'd share some of the resources I've come across over the years for building models out of card. I use cereal packets for my models.

Paid for:
Dave Graffam Models - Fantasy Medieval models, 28mm scale. Excellent models

Wizards of the Coast - Fantasy Medieval buildings released by WotC to go with their Chainmail miniatures a few years back. 28mm scale.
Dave's Games - Fantasy Medieval, 28mm scale. Before Dave Graffam went commercial, he offered these for download (toward the bottom of the page) free. Long gone, but the wayback machine is a wonderful tool . . .
Wordsworth Model Railway - Modern (i.e. 20th century on) UK buildings. 'OO' scale (1/76).
Diorama of Pretzschendorf - Modern German/European buildings. I've built a couple and they look about right for 10mm.
ペーパークラフトN(No, I don't know what it means) - Modern Japanese models. Not built (or even printed out) any of these, so have no idea about scale. The selection available for download changes regularly, so check back often.

Games Workshop used to do a 'Warhammer Townscapes' product of card buildings. I wonder if there's a PDF of that floating around the internet somewhere . . .

Matakishi's Tea House - Makes it look so easy (sigh). I especially like the Afghan Buildings & Compounds, Generic Modern Buildings, Entebbe and Hyboria pages.

I hope you find these useful, and please feel free to add links to any resources you know about.

Thanks, Martyn


Brumbaer's paper town - houses, church, city walls and a hexagonal castle. 10mm scale and free!

Intended for Warmaster originally, I think, but would do for Late Medieval and Renaissance.
There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data


Yep, Brumbaer is awesome but read the printing instructions carefully
"Call it extreme if you like, but I propose we hit it hard and hit it fast with a major - and I mean major - leaflet campaign."

- Rimmer


13 October 2017, 10:04:48 PM #3 Last Edit: 13 October 2017, 10:27:24 PM by GrumpyOldMan

Yes I'm a big believer in card buildings. The Japanese site buildings are in Japanese N Scale which is 1/150 as opposed to US/European N Scale which is 1/160  :).

Here's a collection site, just be aware that any links from the separate pages that are struck-through are usually dead links:-

Another collection site at

Also, and

Currently playing with Venice in 1757 which looks to be roughly 1/144




Some in there I wasn't aware of! I salute you! (and my printer cartridges curse you   ;D )


14 October 2017, 10:22:40 AM #5 Last Edit: 14 October 2017, 10:28:21 AM by Raider4
Dropzone Commander - Modern urban buildings & roads, 10mm scale.

Can't believe I forgot these in the original post - these are brilliant.

Cheers, M.

Edit: Spelling.


Lots of useful resources, thanks for posting all the links, gentlemen.
Encumbered by Idjits, we pressed on