Colours 2017

Started by Steve J, 31 July 2017, 06:01:57 AM

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Thanks for posting the pic, Leon. I was particularly interested in this game. With your permission I would like to repost it on my blog?
Encumbered by Idjits, we pressed on


Had a great day out at Colours, picking up everything I was after, and a bit more besides. Also picked up a copy of 1871. Generally I play FPW using BBB as it is more manageable for the epic battles than the likes of 1870. However 1871 has some smaller scenarios played at quarter scale which allows for things like companies to be represented. Furthermore the rules have been streamlined to both ease and speed play (e.g. the play sheet is now multicoloured double-sided rather than four sides of close monochrome type) making these small scenarios a do-able proposition.

Good to meet up with Dave and Leon (and pick up my goodies), as well as Steve J, Meirion, David Lanchester and Simon Miller. Also my brother and nephew were there, and he bought me a Pendraken Schleswig army for my imminent birthday to enable me to pursue the Trumpton Wars with troops actually from the 1840s, rather than stand-ins from the FPW.

The Stalingrad game went well, seemed to attract some attention. A number of participants, playing the Russians, took great pleasure in preventing the German commander from escaping on the hospital train, as well as removing a couple of their own political officers.

Many thanks to Newbury and Reading for putting on a good show.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!


I was there in the afternoon - it's a really good show - my only gripe is the lighting which I find to be a bit on the dim side

Putting names and faces together is a bit beyond me nowadays

I certainly spoke to one of the guys running the Stalingrad game which looked very good - I'm looking forward to seeing the Berlin version

And I also had a chat with one of the chaps from the big ECW game about the minifigs/aim figures he had had for some 25 years! The pike blocks looked like pike blocks - lovely

I know I chatted to Dave & Leon because I gave them money and they gave me toys - WW2 Winter Russians for my BKC Russo-Finnish War project



Personally disappointed - went hoping to pick up the TANKS starter set and the Frostgrave rulebook, but nobody was selling these. :-(

Arrived about 11:00 - the ground floor was very busy then. Agree about the lighting downstairs - very gloomy. Upper levels were much better. Daylight!

Pendraken stand seemed very busy every time I walked by. Hope it was worth it for you chaps.


Quote from: Shedman on 18 September 2017, 10:44:46 AM
I was there in the afternoon - it's a really good show - my only gripe is the lighting which I find to be a bit on the dim side

Putting names and faces together is a bit beyond me nowadays

And I also had a chat with one of the chaps from the big ECW game about the minifigs/aim figures he had had for some 25 years! The pike blocks looked like pike blocks - lovely

That would be me!  And I didn't know it was you either!

2021 Painting Competition - Winner!
2022 Painting Competition - 2 x Runner-Up!

Steve J

Some pics of the show and a few thoughts on the day:

I too noticed that there didn't seem to be many rulesets on sale. If there were I missed them. I heard a few other gamers that were also a bit miffed.


Thanks for the tour Steve. At my last main show, I thought there was ana absence of rulebooks (mind you Caliver have stopped attending) and that the balance of scale diversity was out and very much in favour of 28mm. It looks like a bit of a trend, yet your photos of the tables is still reflecting the popularity of the little chaps. Not sure what to make of that.


Hi all,  well finally made it from Canada to my first convention in the U.K.  I picked up my order from Leon which I am very excited to get painted.  By chance I met Mollinary on the Friday. Thanks Andrew, you Ian and Simon were very good in taking me under your wing for the day.  I really enjoyed the ECW game on Saturday.  Great set of rules which contributed to the enjoyment of the game.

All in all, it was a great day, even if I spent a years war gaming budget in one day!  Well worth the trip and looking forward to the pandamoneum of Salute next April.

Leon was great to finally meet you and to Andrew, Simon, Ian and Bruce, thank you again and was good meeting you guys as well.




That must have been a great experience Obsidian! Long way to go but sound quite worth the flight. Did you take pictures, BTW?

Steve, I second Norm, thanks for the tour.
Encumbered by Idjits, we pressed on


Quote from: Obsidian23 on 19 September 2017, 06:23:49 AM
Hi all,  well finally made it from Canada to my first convention in the U.K.  I picked up my order from Leon which I am very excited to get painted.  By chance I met Mollinary on the Friday. Thanks Andrew, you Ian and Simon were very good in taking me under your wing for the day.  I really enjoyed the ECW game on Saturday.  Great set of rules which contributed to the enjoyment of the game.

All in all, it was a great day, even if I spent a years war gaming budget in one day!  Well worth the trip and looking forward to the pandamoneum of Salute next April.

Leon was great to finally meet you and to Andrew, Simon, Ian and Bruce, thank you again and was good meeting you guys as well.


It was a pleasure to meet you Scott, and we really appreciated you playing your part as a Royalist in Borsetshire. It was also great to meet so many other forum members, but we really should organise some badges for the fiuture!  I look forward to seeing some  photos once you have painted up all your goodies.


2021 Painting Competition - Winner!
2022 Painting Competition - 2 x Runner-Up!


Come on Mollers, there I was with Leman stamped all over me, but to be honest you were thoroughly engaged in the game, which was spectacular. Consequently I had a good natter with Simon about future TtS developments.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!


Everyone seems to have had a good natter with Simon!  I knew you were there, but every time I looked round, you'd gone. I did see loads of familiar faces,  but sadly rarely got the time to exchange more than the occasional pleasantly.

2021 Painting Competition - Winner!
2022 Painting Competition - 2 x Runner-Up!


@d_guy, yes I really enjoyed the day.  Andrew and the guys were great.  Pity I didn't know Leman and a few others from here were there.  Should have asked Andrew come to think of it.  Would have been good to have met some of you!

Looking forward to Salute 2018 now!


Some pics from Andrews Table.  Really like his basing style and painting.  The casualty bases for destroyed units are great and a good inspiration for doing my own for other projects.  Think I will adopt it for my Napoleonic's.


More pics