Which armies match the Napoleonic 1809 range?

Started by Norm, 08 July 2017, 06:37:09 PM

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I have French and Austrian 1809 armies and assume that these are the new style sculpts.

I not there is a 1812 range with Russians and a 1812-15 rang with British and Prussians. Are these two latter ranges compatible with the former 1809 stuff or are we waiting for re-sculpting etc. In other words, what other armies can I buy that will fit in with my 1809 stuff in terms of size and sculpt style?


They all fit in pretty well, so there's no issues mixing and matching across the various Naps ranges.  The 1815 Brits/Prussians/Nassau ranges are all new sculpts done by the same guy as the 1809 ones.  The 1812 Moscow ranges are a little older but still match up fine with the new sculpts.

The only issue would be if you wanted to mix in any of the Revolutionary figures, which were done by a different sculptor and don't match up style-wise with any of our other figures.

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Thanks Leon, my interests are post revolution, so that looks fine.