Forward Command - Company Level WWII Rules (Playtesters Sought!)

Started by Gazza, 03 July 2017, 10:47:20 AM

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Lord Lensman of Wellington
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Well that seems fairly unanimous! For the time being the armour rules in relation to damage shall remain the same. I will sit down over the coming weeks and rewrite the rules to iron out any creases and generally make it intelligible.
'Which painting in the National Gallery would I save if there was a fire? The one nearest the door of course.' - GB Shaw

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Quote from: Gazza on 13 July 2017, 12:24:45 PM
(...) the spirit of the game (ie. simplicity)

+1 !
( I was able to test early, as you noticed, but now I had less spare time.)

Quote from: bigjackmac on 13 July 2017, 04:25:25 AM
(...)so I'm not shy about requesting guys post batreps! ;)
And you'right !  :)

pierre the shy

I had a chance to read the rules a bit more throughly tonight - really like them.

Had a couple of design questions about HQ's Gazza:

Is the decision to make the CHQ itself fairly "passive" a deliberate one? OK it can defend itself and lend its CP's to PHQ's etc but it cannot not directly issue orders to its subunits.

Given that the CHQ is in overall command wouldn't you allow a CHQ unit to issue an general order directly one or more of its platoons (e.g. "10 Platoon defend that farm") once a turn (purhaps depending on what Tier level that the HQ is rated at) or am I too used to playing rules such as TFL's ITLSU with card driven activations that allow "early" activations of units by HQ units if their card comes up before the unit card itself does?

Have to fit in a small test game with PaulR seeing he is keen on the idea  ;)

"Bomps a's enough to make you weep!"


I mooted the idea of CHQs being able to directly order any unit it was in base-to-base contact with.

The other two pointed out you could just allocate the order from the CHQ to the relevant PHQ and achieve the same thing.

I can't give an exact quote (partly due to my increasingly flaky memory and partly down to language unsuitable for the delicate sensibilities of this august forum :) ) but the gist of it was,"Don't tinker! It's a nice simple set of rules, stop trying to make my head hurt with complications!" :D

I would commend this attitude to you Gazza!
There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data


Quote from: pierre the shy on 14 July 2017, 11:21:50 AM
Have to fit in a small test game with PaulR seeing he is keen on the idea  ;)       

I have Late war German and British infantry companies wondering what ruleset to use...

They were used with the original Flames of War rules to introduce my son to wargaming and some of his Grandfathers history
Lord Lensman of Wellington
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2022 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2023 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Quote from: Gazza on 14 July 2017, 08:10:31 AM
Well that seems fairly unanimous! For the time being the armour rules in relation to damage shall remain the same. I will sit down over the coming weeks and rewrite the rules to iron out any creases and generally make it intelligible.
Sounds promising. I'd be interested in doing a play test with my local group (Crosby Wargamers), we've got plenty of both 15 and particularly 20mm figures.


Down loaded the rules and lists, they look to be just what I am looking for at Company level!
I have just started doing Late War British for Normandy, with Germans to do next!
I'll play test using just infantry, then add a few 'late war' tanks.

Looking Good, carry on that man!




What's the latest man?  I'm looking for more batreps ;)

And I'm still working on clearing out my backlog so I can get to these, though I did get a bit sidetracked by International Naval Wargames Day  :-[ :-[ :-[



Quote from: bigjackmac on 11 August 2017, 12:53:37 AM
What's the latest man?  I'm looking for more batreps ;)

I redid my terrain boards last week so have been without a playing area for a while and I have re-started a WWI project I abandoned several years ago, which had destracted me somewhat. However, I have an operation on Monday (nothing serious - repair of an inguinal hernia) and should have plenty of free time to devote to such things in the coming week. Watch this space!
'Which painting in the National Gallery would I save if there was a fire? The one nearest the door of course.' - GB Shaw

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I hope the op goes well and you have a speedy recovery, with plenty of time for gaming
Lord Lensman of Wellington
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2022 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2023 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!

Duke Speedy of Leighton

You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner



Well, here's to hoping there no complications, and a speedy recover!

In any case, I can't wait to see you refurbished terrain boards, and of course, some batreps ;)  I'm working my tail off to get caught up on other projects, but I'm getting closer to getting Forward Command on the table, Jack-style ;)

Take care man!



Thanks for your kind words chaps! The op seems to have gone well, although I can do without my testicles swelling up to twice their normal size and turning black! As such no gaming has been managed, although I have got some painting done. I think that most of this week shall consist of me sitting gingerly on the sofa, either reading or watching television. Watched 'Bridge of Spies' the other day, which I can highly recommend, and finished 'The Honourable Schoolboy' this morning, which is possibly one of le Carre's best books in terms of prose and contained a spectacularly tragic/futile ending. Yup, I'm in Cold War Warrior mode for some reason... Might swap the ibuprofen for vodka  ;)

Regarding ForC, I have had an idea about who goes first each turn. As written the side with better quality ('Tier') HQs are generally going to generate* more CPs and thus go first most of the time, which is rather predictable. Just to shake things up a bit, how about the Player with an even amount of CPs goes first. If both players roll up an even no. of CPs, then it goes to amount. What do you think? Also, I promise to try and get the rules drafted into a more palatable state over the next week.

Again thanks for your concern!

*How's that for alliteration!
'Which painting in the National Gallery would I save if there was a fire? The one nearest the door of course.' - GB Shaw

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