Website Down?

Started by vonlacy, 06 May 2017, 12:20:13 PM

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I have tried to access the website but get a 404 no connectivity message.
is it just me?


I get this message

The website is currently being upgraded. Please bear with us while we configure and install all the components.



There was an announcement on the Facebook page that the new website will be installed today.

Hope it all goes well. No need for more headaches for the folks at Pendraken.
Water is indeed the essential ingredient of life, because without water you can't make coffee!

Aander lu bin óók lu.


Website is up, sort of, no pictures.
My Ego forbids a signature.


Format is similar (so as not to confuse previous users) but but better organized. Like the way the product pictures (when available) are presented. I have not been able to log on yet to place and order. May not be functional at that level yet OR a brain fart on my end.

Looking good so far, Leon
Encumbered by Idjits, we pressed on

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