17th century in the East

Started by Wanzer, 11 January 2017, 10:29:02 AM

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Hello everyone!

I am fond of the ECW / TYW and 17th Polish ranges, and the addition of only a few references to the existing ones could greatly improve the possible creation of new armies, such as the Cossacks and the Moscovites.
I am thinking of :

Cossack :
Spearmen and with arquebus or muskets,
Mounted cossacks (bald with mustache! :))

Muscovites :
Pikemen in robes (soldats)
Dvorian cavalry
Boyar sons

many of these references could be used for one army or another, thus expanding the world of possibilities vastly for the wars in the Eastern Europe...




What ho! Wanzer!

Welcome to the bally old forum. Not knowing a lot about Cossacks, but there are a number of them scattered about the range - e.g. in the 7YW range. Would these not suffice? I'm sure someone who actually knows about these things will be along in a minute to let me know what a complete ass I'm making of myself, but I offer the suggestion in a spirit of comradeship and a desire for the LoA range not to get bigger.

My Oxbridge English Dictionary (See Techno for details) describes Wanzer as "a Geman tank feeling a little down."
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11 January 2017, 03:48:20 PM #2 Last Edit: 11 January 2017, 05:08:35 PM by d_Guy
Hi Wanzer,

Welcome to the forum! I too do ECW (as it played out in Scotland and Ireland) as my primary period. I have not looked east yet but with Pendraken starting on their second thousand products - all things are possible (and I suspect Leon has already logged your desire)!

Dear fsn - isn't a wanzer a double panzer? As we would say here - dub-anzer?

Encumbered by Idjits, we pressed on


Welcome from me too.....Even if you did join a year before I did.  ;) ;D ;D ;D

Cheers - Phil  :)


A bit more breadth to the eastern ranges would be great, especially as so many figures can be used for a wide period of history.
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Quote from: Techno on 11 January 2017, 04:13:55 PM
Welcome from me too.....Even if you did join a year before I did.  ;) ;D ;D ;D

Which would mean fifty years before I joined!  :)

I must say, your circumspection will be welcomed by many commenters on the forum (and as fsn has said elsewhere - "You know who you are")  :D
Encumbered by Idjits, we pressed on

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
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Well, hi to all of you !

I must confess it has been a long time since my last post  :-  I usually find more than I would like to in the Pendraken's ranges - they are just producing minis faster than I make projects - and that's fast  :D 

Indeed, a good look at other ranges worth it - some refs form Dark Age Mongols or Arabs, and one or two refs elsewhere can be used with minor conversions.  That is simply... as fred tells it, their are so many possible use with specific minis for the East. Our knowledge of the theatre of war is often more influenced by what we think about cossacks in the western use later : light cavalry.  The cossack army during his revolt mid XVII th c. was a pedestran one, relying on one of the best infantry in the world, supported by war wagons and a decent artillery. 

And a wanzer... must be some kind of very early wurst-panzer-wagen prototype ;D


11 January 2017, 05:54:13 PM #8 Last Edit: 11 January 2017, 06:04:00 PM by OldenBUA
Yes please!

For mounted Cossacks the SYR29 Cossacks from the Russian 7 years war range could be used. But they have caps, so ones with shaven heads would be a nice addition.

For musketeers the P4 Hajduk musketeer from the 16th/17th C. Polish range is OK. But only one pose, with shouldered musket, and again with cap. Some other poses (firing/advancing) and with other headgear (or again shaven head) would be good.

For spearmen I don't know any good substitutes at the moment. Same for Muscovites.

This would be the look to go for:

From піхота українськіх гетьманів (Pichota Ukrainskich Hetmaniv) Infantry of the Ukrainian Hetmans by Sergey Shamenkov.
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I don't know how I missed this post previously. I'm a Cossack enthusiast myself, and I have their army in 10mm. Useful proxies here: the bonnacht axeman (ELM 12) just needs his hair turned into one of those "pumpkin caps" with a spot of glue, and the Japanese peasant matchlockman (SAM12) becomes a topless and bare-headed Cossack if you use a file discretely on his topknot. The Polish peasant archer (P6) isn't bad either.

Irregular Miniatures are overpriced, but they make a firing Cossack arquebusier, a pikeman in a furry cap and long coat, and an axeman (note that with the two Pendraken figures that's three pretty different poses); and in their 18th century range there is a dismounted dragoon with a stocking cap (TM 22) that makes another good Cossack variant.

I agree that a bare-headed horseman with the wind blowing over his shaven scalp would look rather fetching, and I'd like to see a charging figure with a two-handed flail, but all in all, the Zaporozhki are very feasible already.
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