Best heads for WW2 Sikhs

Started by kustenjaeger, 12 April 2017, 09:41:21 AM

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As I build up my WDF/8th Army infantry I am considering adding Sikhs. These would form part of a battalion.  Everyone else would wear helmets in the line.

What are the best heads to use to do conversions from 8th Army figures?

Looking at early war, 4th and 5th Indian Divisions seem to have had the following battalions with Sikh elements (usually separate class companies):

Fourth Indian
7 Bde: 4/11 Sikhs (3/4) and 4/16 Punjabi (1/3)
11 Bde: 3/14 Punjabi (1/4)
Fifth Indian
9 Bde: 3/12 Frontier Force (1/4)
29 Bde: 3/2 Punjabi (1/3) and 6/13 Frontier Force Rifles (1/4)

Drawn from order of battle of 4th and 5th Indian Diviisons 1940 and 1941 and class proportions from Annexure C of http://defence .  The source for the proportions is given as p653 of Tuker's While Memory Serves. 

