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Started by Leon, 18 February 2017, 09:29:33 PM

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WWII US Marines
This range of figures covers the US Marines from mid 1942 to 1945, for operations in the Pacific theatre. During the Pacific campaign the US Marines were the primary ground troops deployed in the many amphibious assaults on Japanese held islands, from Guadalcanal to Iwo Jima. Tanks and vehicles to support the troops can be found in the American range.
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My wife's creations: Jewellery and decorations with sparkle and shine at


1890's North-West Frontier

After having "settled" the Afghan question in the Second Afghan war, Britain had gained several Afghan provinces on the Indian side of the Hindu Kush. One thing is to have ownership over the landmass, quite another is to gain a population of fierce warriors and accomplished robbers, raiding the Punjab regulary and ruled by their own tribal laws. Punitive expeditions on the Northern Frontier was a yearly task for the Raj, as well as fighting local uprisings, by both chieftains wanting autonomy and as part of "The Great Game" with Russia.
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My small contribution:

When Elizabeth I came to the throne in 1558, the bill and longbow were still a dominant feature of English armies; Irish musters occasionally even make reference to small companies of mounted archers. By the time of the queen's death in 1603, the traditional infantry had almost completely been superseded by bodies of pike and shot. Gentlemen and sons of gentlemen waiting for commissions might serve as demi-lancers or as gentlemen pike. While there is no evidence that the latter performed any better than the other pike armed levies, their resolve might be expected to be somewhat superior.

16th C. Ottoman:
The Ottoman Empire was a major imperial power, controlling most of western Asia, south-eastern Europe and, indirectly, much of north Africa. Akinji were mounted irregulars who were skilled raiders and scouts, while Sipahis were feudal horsemen of Turkish origin who served in provincial armies in exchange of land grants. The latter were often absent from Ottoman armies in north Africa and Arabia where there were few ethnic Turks. Janissaries were elite infantry recruited from European children forcibly converted to Islam. Ghazis were fierce religious zealots while Azabs were locally sourced foot troops specifically recruited for each campaign.

Sixteenth century Japan was divided into numerous feuding provinces, each ruled over by warlords or daimyo. Nominal fealty was owed to the emperor but, in practice, the daimyo ruled their provinces as they saw fit and conflict between rival warlords was common. Early in the century, the fundamentalist Buddhist Ikkōshū uprising was able to overthrow their samurai masters in some parts of the country but by the middle of the sixteenth century the movement was on the wane. The wars of this period saw rapid changes in arms and tactics and, although the samurai remained the ultimate warrior, weapons such as the naginata was steadily replaced by the yari. Firearms were introduced by the Portuguese in 1543 and were readily adopted – by the end of the century it is estimated that there were more firearms in Japan than in many European nations.

2012 Painting Competition - Winner!
2012 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2015 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Great idea. I can also see helping with suggestions for what is available from other ranges that would work for other armies/countries, as was expressed about the WW2 Polish army. Many times people want to get into a new genre, but have not really studied it much yet, so suggestions like that are very helpful.

The WW2 Hungarians would be another example where foreign equipment was purchased and used. Hungary was an axis power, and was part of the German invasion of Russia in 1941.  Here are some of the assorted vehicles they used, besides their own Toldi Tank (which was really a built under licensed  Swedsh Landsverk L60b) and Turan tanks.

Italian CV35 tankettes (ITA2)
German Pz IB (GR186)
German Pz 38t (GR128)
German Pz IV Aufs D and F1 (GR200) and (GR197)

Additionally, I know of Hungary using Csaba armored cars, German Stug IIIs and Mardars, but nothing specific as to which model exactly.

Also, most any German figures from WWI and WWII could be used for Hungarians, with a different color uniform, because the Hungarians wore uniforms that looked like the German uniform only in a brownish-drab color and they also wore both WWI and WWII German helmets that I have seen as a gray-green or a drab-green color.

Another area that I think needs to be included, and maybe  because it is near and dear to my heart, is Weird World War. I have based most of mine from books or movies, however my largest endeavor is one of my own creation that I term - The Post-Apocalyptic armies. I have developed a full scenario that I base this one on and if it would be of help, I am happy to type it up and submit it.


"My heart has joined the thousand for a friend stopped running today." Mr. Richard Adams


Quote from: Terry37 on 27 February 2017, 05:42:12 PM
Another area that I think needs to be included, and maybe  because it is near and dear to my heart, is Weird World War. I have based most of mine from books or movies, however my largest endeavor is one of my own creation that I term - The Post-Apocalyptic armies. I have developed a full scenario that I base this one on and if it would be of help, I am happy to type it up and submit it.

The Weird WWII is definitely something I'd like to do longer term, along with a BKC supplement to go with it.  We've got a few tanks that would suit already (Maus/Ratte/KV-5)  plus some walkers that were done years ago, so we just need some foot to go with them and then we can knock up some armies. - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


27 February 2017, 08:53:28 PM #50 Last Edit: 27 February 2017, 08:54:59 PM by Natxo
Russian Civil War.

After centuries of tzarist rule over Russia, WWI brought a communist revolution that saw the monarchy toppled and a Proletariat Dictatorship installed.
From 1917 to 1921, all over the vast Russian Empire, armies of the main factions, Reds (communists), Whites (Conservative forces), Polish, Ukrainians, interventionist foreign powers, etc. fought to establishd their own view of a future Russia.
More than a war a series of conflicts, described by Churchil as Pigmy Wars, it was more international that even WWI.

Its outcome would shape the 20th Century.

Please, a native English speaker can be kind and revise my entry???  :)


Spanish Civil War.

A conflict between the republican government, supported by the left wing political parties; and the conservative forces, mainly the Armed Forces, it was the result of years of tensions and extremist policies by different governments in Spain.
For three years both sides developed their own military and political agendas, fighting some of the most famous battles of the 20th Century, like Madrid, Guadalajara or the Battle of the Ebro River.
Infantry waving flags, colourful militias, cavalry against tanks and defensive positions. A mix of both World Wars with the lethal participation of Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Stalinist Russia.

Again, please, someone can check my writing?


I will try to write small texts for all the miniature lines you have for the SCW, but I have to say this:
"Nationalists" is a bad translation of the Spanish term used by that side during the war.
Both sides argued that the other was an invading, foreign army.
The Republican Government because there were Moroccans, Germans and Italians, with the Foreign Legion being the elite force in the rebel side.
The rebels, directed by Franco, because the Communist Party and his Russian advisors managed to take control of most activities in the republican controlled territory.
That is why the rebel forces, Franco,s Army, called themselves the NATIONAL ARMY, and the nationals as an adjective.
Nationalists forces were fighting in the republican side, mainly Catalonian and Vasque forces, that declared their unilateral independence.


Duke Speedy of Leighton

You're English is Bette than some of the native English speakers. Keep up the good work. 8)
Don't forget the International Brigade.
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


Hi Natxo, I hope you don't mind if I suggest some minor edits to your Russian Civil War piece?

"After centuries of tzarist rule over Russia, the pressures of WWI fostered a revolution that saw the Romanov monarchy toppled and the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic established in 1917.
From 1917 to 1922, all over the vast territories of the former Russian Empire, armies of the main factions, Whites (Conservative forces), Anarchists, Polish, Ukrainians, along with interventionist foreign powers fought against the Bolsheviks in an attempt to establish their own view of a future Russia. More than a war but a series of conflicts described by Churchil as Pigmy Wars, it was more international that even WWI.

Its outcome would shape the 20th Century."

The RSFSR lasted until 1922 when it and the 16 autonomous socialist republics formed the USSR.



The new website is imminent now so we're looking for more entries for our info boxes!  The categories still needing an entry can be found in my original post:,15593.0.html - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


Early Imperial
By this period the Roman Republic had ended in the Civil Wars from which Augustus emerged victorious as Emperor of Rome. Already dominant around the Mediterranean, Rome set about strengthening her grip on areas further North and East bringing her into conflict with many different opponents. 

Imperial Roman
This is the period most people think of when they think of Roman soldiers. Legionaries in their segmented armour with big, curved, rectangular shields. While the legionaries were the core of the army there were about as many auxiliary troops in a Roman army. Mainly infantry or, less often, cavalry in chainmail shirts with a spear and an oval shield but other auxiliaries were armed with bows or slings. In both sieges and open battle the Romans could also bring their war engines to bear. As well as troops from within the Empire the Romans would also field tribal troops from outside their borders under native or Roman officers.


Part of a Celtic culture that stretched from Ireland all the way across to the Galatians of Turkey, the Gauls occupied France and maintained cultural links with the Ancient British. Gallic and British armies would have a core of infantry warbands composed of warriors with shields, spears or swords, some armoured, some not. A few tribesmen would instead be armed with bows or, particularly in Britain, slings. Nobles were better armoured and rode horses or, in Britain, chariots. Gaesatae were fanatics who charged into battle naked, relying on their skill at arms and the shock value of their ferocious reputation for protection.


Best known from Trajan's Column in Rome, which commemorates Trajan's victory over the Dacians and the incorporation of Dacia into the Empire the Dacians were no pushover. During the reign of the emperor Domitian the Dacians butchered a Roman army and forced the Romans to negotiate a peace treaty.  Famed for their use of the deadly falx, a three foot haft with a sickle like blade on the end, the Dacian warbands also used javelins and spears and were supported by archers. The Dacian cavalry was supplemented by troops from the neighbouring Sarmatian tribes and included Sarmatian cataphracts - armoured men on armoured horses. 
There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data


Napoleonic Prussia 1812-1815

Following the ignominious defeat in 1806 and the Treaty of Tilsit the flollowing year, Napoleon Bonaparte forced the Prussians to become allies and limited the army to an all arms maximum of 42,000. To get around this the Prussian General Staff came up with an ingenious plan to train recruits for a time and then put them on a 'reserve' list while others went through the same training. Known as the Krumper System, in this way the number under arms remained constant but the number of reservists available rose to anything between 30,000 and 150,000. After Napoleon's defeat in 1812, Prussian pride and nationalism convinced the king to break with France and join the Sixth Coalition of Allies against Napoleon. These reservists were then called to the colours and although variously armed and uniformed at the start, the troops conducted themselves well and after Napoleon's abdication in 1814 and return in 1815, played a pivotal part in his final defeat at Waterloo.
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2017 Paint-Off - Winner!


This may be slightly off topic, but if we are going to provide information about the conflicts etc, would it not be useful to have a list somewhere of troop type substitutes ? The Napoleonic wars for instance had many states which are not represented in the catalogue such as Saxony,  Waldeck, or  Reuss. Even the big players only have limited ranges confined to the main types of troop. I think it would help if the catalogue carried information such as  Saxon Musketeers 1807-14 use French Fusiliers. 


1904-1905 Russo-Japanese War

Russian and Japanese ambitions clash in Korea and Manchuria leading to a short but bloody war that foretold of the carnage to come ten years later in the Great War.
This range can be supplemented by proxies from other Pendraken ranges such as the Russo-Turkish War and WW1 Ranges.