What to do when waiting for figures to arive

Started by Gunfreak, 14 October 2010, 02:05:48 PM

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Well it's only been 7 days since my Pendarken order was sent, not a lot of time, some times it takes almost 2 weeks to get stuff from the UK, but allready now I'm feeling the urge to get them, it dosn't help that the post dosn't show up until 4 in the afternoon, so I walk around all day waiting for the post to arive just to be disapointed when no figures show up.

This is usualy when I start buying more and more figures. And I do it until the figures start showing up,

So what do you do when you are waiting for figures?


I start painting what I ordered several months ago..  ;)


It will be a miracle if I have the current batch of primed figures painted before the next batch arrives.


Well the problem is that  once I expect some figures I can only paint those.

So if I got 28mm Napoleoincs and order more, there is no problem,

But like now I have orderd 10mm ACW I can only paint 10mm ACW, since I don't have any 10mm ACW, I can't paint, so I have to wait.


With these pulpesque figures I bought recently i worked on rules, and planned the island, made the map, worked out where things were going to be.... bsically what I am saying is I plan how I am going to use them.
HOwever as I have a pile of 28mm pulp stuff as well as a GAllic army in 28mm to paint, I really should be doing them  :-[
Sometimes I wonder - why is that frisbee geting bigger - and then it hits me!