Change to Pricing on Custom Orders

Started by Leon, 04 January 2017, 10:25:48 PM

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Quote from: Techno on 05 January 2017, 03:18:43 PM
Shame you spelled 'your' wrong.  :P  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Sorry, 'Ducky'  :-[...Couldn't resist that.  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Cheers - Phil

Damn. Preempted!
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


Grammar nazis make the internet sad!


Yeah, salt, sugar, penicillin, arsenic...who cares? It's all white powder anyway....
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


The picture is of a fictitious Luftwaffe Colonel who was definitely not a Nazi...
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07 January 2017, 11:34:42 AM #34 Last Edit: 07 January 2017, 11:43:27 AM by Rob
Quote from: Leon on 04 January 2017, 10:25:48 PM
We've always been happy to put together custom orders for folks, be it a few figures from one code, a gun without crews from another code, etc.  When pricing these orders, we would just work on a base price per figure calculated from the pack prices.  At the moment that would be 16.5p per foot figure (£4.95 / 30 foot per pack) or 33p per cavalry figure, and then other items like guns or limbers were done in the same way.  

Sadly, it's becoming less viable to continue doing things like this.  Just to put a mould in the machine and spin it costs about 60p in labour and whatnot, and that's before we take into account the cost of any metal used.  So putting together a custom order of only a few figures from a list of codes really reduces our output and can in some cases start to cost us money.  We're still happy to do these orders, but we're going to have to start pricing them a little differently:

Foot = 20p per figure.
Cavalry = 40p per figure.
Artillery = £1.20 per gun / 20p per crewmen (based on a 3 gun pack, each with 4 crewmen)

Limbers = £3.00 per limber and horse team (based on a 2 limber pack)

Other items/packs will be priced in a similar manner, basically around a 20% premium on top of the usual price.

Obviously we won't be charging people more than a regular pack would cost, so if you wanted 25 foot figures this would be the regular pack price of £4.95, rather than £5.00 (25 x 20p).  At this point though, you'd be better off just buying the regular 30-man pack anyway, and just having a few spares!

There's likely to be a few queries along the way, so let us know if there's any questions on this.


I have used this service from PD a great deal in the past and have sometimes felt I was taking advantage. Let me register that I have no problems at all with paying more for this service and further I think it shows PD as a very professional company.

Cheers, Rob  :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


Yup, I too am very impressed that you are willing to be messed about by me asking for one of this and two of that when a whole packet is hardly breaking the bank.
Increase away, Leon!  :D
Life is too important to be taken seriously.

Leon - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


It's a superb service. I've tried not to abuse it! And I'm quite happy to pay a little more for it.

In some instances it may be a decider in choosing 10mm.



I have just seen your change in pricing.  Everyone seems happy with paying basically 25% more for a custom order.  In  my first order I purchased figures from the league of Augsburg and a second order was for flags.  In the miniature order I ordered a  bag of 30 standard bearers..  Now would this fall as a custom order.  I am asking because you offer one standard per command group.  The flags you sell both have a Colonel and regimental standard each needing a standard bearer.  Also I purchased two ready made arimes one allied and one french.  In the ready made armies I have pikemen included with no pikes.  So to me it is not a ready made army since I have to buy the pikes. 

Best Regards,



Are we favoured with  new female gamer in our midst? (Whatever happened to Marie, btw?)
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


Quote from: jean1951 on 28 January 2017, 08:35:10 PM

I have just seen your change in pricing.  Everyone seems happy with paying basically 25% more for a custom order.  In  my first order I purchased figures from the league of Augsburg and a second order was for flags.  In the miniature order I ordered a  bag of 30 standard bearers..  Now would this fall as a custom order.  I am asking because you offer one standard per command group.  The flags you sell both have a Colonel and regimental standard each needing a standard bearer.  Also I purchased two ready made arimes one allied and one french.  In the ready made armies I have pikemen included with no pikes.  So to me it is not a ready made army since I have to buy the pikes. 

Best Regards,


Hi Jean

Welcome to the Forum.

Leon may well be along later to explain and correct me., but I will attempt to explain.

The reason we are all happy with paying 25% more for a custom order is two fold.

Firstly many companies will not do custom orders at all, certainly not to the level that of  Pendraken.

Secondly it is the additional time and cost taken to produce a custom order:- 

A spin of a mould in the casting machine takes about 2 minutes and probably produces the contents of a single pack.  In the case of the command pack LOA9 (Command Standing) the Standards are only 20% of the castings.  To produce your pack of 30 standards therefore requires the mould to be spun 6 times.  This obviously increases the cost of casting by 6 times ( Labour, Electric , wear on the mould etc).  The other 80% of figures are useless and have to be thrown back into the melting pot.

So technically the cost of a custom order should be several times that of a standard pack, so at 25% extra we are still getting a very good deal. particularly as the ability to custom order saves us money in the end.  If you had gone to another 10mm company that I know does not do custom orders, you would have had to buy 6 packs of command to get your 30 Standard bearers. You would then have had 150 excess figures.



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Quote from: FierceKitty on 29 January 2017, 01:43:59 AM
Are we favoured with  new female gamer in our midst? (Whatever happened to Marie, btw?)

Afraid not.


Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021


Quote from: Orcs on 29 January 2017, 08:09:03 AM
Hi Jean

Welcome to the Forum.

Leon may well be along later to explain and correct me., but I will attempt to explain.

The reason we are all happy with paying 25% more for a custom order is two fold.

Firstly many companies will not do custom orders at all, certainly not to the level that of  Pendraken.

Secondly it is the additional time and cost taken to produce a custom order:- 

A spin of a mould in the casting machine takes about 2 minutes and probably produces the contents of a single pack.  In the case of the command pack LOA9 (Command Standing) the Standards are only 20% of the castings.  To produce your pack of 30 standards therefore requires the mould to be spun 6 times.  This obviously increases the cost of casting by 6 times ( Labour, Electric , wear on the mould etc).  The other 80% of figures are useless and have to be thrown back into the melting pot.

So technically the cost of a custom order should be several times that of a standard pack, so at 25% extra we are still getting a very good deal. particularly as the ability to custom order saves us money in the end.  If you had gone to another 10mm company that I know does not do custom orders, you would have had to buy 6 packs of command to get your 30 Standard bearers. You would then have had 150 excess figures.



I do not think that Leon has to reply.  It is a business decision for the better of the company.  Everything that you put forward is true.  Rare are the compagnies that do custom orders, the cost of producing etc.  I am quite happy with the service received so far, can´r complain really.  Which does not mean I have to agree with everything.  I find if you voice your opinion for or against it is beniifical to all.  I have always thought that the main problem was command packs.  My feelings is to have three mould offiers. standard bearer and drummer.  The rank and file one mould per different poses.

Mind you in you comment whre they do not do customs then  you have to 6 packs to get thirty standard bearers the other option is not to do the project.

Best regards,
