More Shermans and some Tiger IIs!

Started by Leon, 02 February 2017, 10:14:30 PM

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Dave's been in a bit of a Sherman frenzy recently, so we've got another 11 variants moulded and ready, 5 of them being revamps of older models and 6 of them being brand new releases!

American -
Revamps first...
A10    M4A3(75)W Sherman, 75mm
A11    M4A3(76)W Sherman, early 76mm turret, no muzzle brake
A12    M4A3(105)W Sherman, 105mm

And brand new releases...
A60    M4A3(76)W Sherman, early 76mm turret, with muzzle brake
A61    M4A3(76)W Sherman, late 76mm turret, with muzzle brake
A62    M4A3 Sherman, late HVSS, late 75mm turret
A63    M4A3 Sherman, late HVSS, early 76mm turret with muzzle brake
A64    M4A3 Sherman, late HVSS, late 76mm turret with muzzle brake
A65    M4A3 Sherman, late HVSS, 105mm

And a couple of revamps on the British side:

British -
BR34    M4A2 Sherman III, 75mm with turret box
BR35    M4A2 Sherman III, 75mm turret

And finally, we've got some fantastic revamped Tiger II's as well!  These are available with both the Henschel and Porsche turrets.

German -
GR103    Tiger II, Henschel turret
GR103a  Tiger II, Porsche turret

And some pics of course!

A60 - M4A3(76)W Sherman, early 76mm turret, with muzzle brake

A62 - M4A3 Sherman, late HVSS, late 75mm turret

A65 - M4A3 Sherman, late HVSS, 105mm

BR34 - M4A2 Sherman III, 75mm with turret box

GR103 - Tiger II, Henschel turret

GR103a - Tiger II, Porsche turret

We'll have these with us at the York show this weekend!

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