Minehead Wargames Club (West Somerset)

Started by nikharwood, 15 June 2016, 09:00:15 PM

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We are now meeting in Townsend House, Minehead on a Tuesday night from 7pm onwards; we've got the place to ourselves with access to a kitchen.

Very friendly group of nutters who will play pretty much anything (some of them even like 15mm. Weirdoes)

In the process of setting up a club site / blog - but for now I'll link to issues to-date of Sword & Bugle (which I'll stick on my blog in a minute) - the club magazine put together by Paul Davies (he of model-making and reviewing fame for Wargames Illustrated. Oh - and he's *proper* mad - he does rigging on small ships and everything  ;)

For more info bung me an email: nikharwood AT gmail.com

And apologies in advance - I'm there pretty much every week now  8)


Links to Sword & Bugle on my wiki - I can't get them to sit in order, sorry 'bout that - but it doesn't matter hugely - they're simply batreps with pretty pics :)



 :) I wonder if our club might be up for a weekend visit..... :-\

Cider in copious quantities might be the clincher!
I don't think my wife likes me very much, when I had a heart attack she wrote for an ambulance.

Frank Carson


Quote from: Nosher on 16 June 2016, 11:04:17 AM
:) I wonder if our club might be up for a weekend visit..... :-\

Cider in copious quantities might be the clincher!

Oh, we can definitely do that, Nosher  8)


Is Minehead still planning to annex Poland?
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.



That'll be that jolly Mr.Hilter who moved there in 1945.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!


Quote from: Leman on 22 October 2016, 01:15:50 PM
That'll be that jolly Mr.Hilter who moved there in 1945.

It's true... he was only latterly discovered working surreptitiously as a chalet monster at Butlins ;)