How big are your 10mm Armies

Started by Gunfreak, 05 October 2010, 05:56:42 PM

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I found that in both my planed 10mm projects, my armies are smaller then my 15mm armies,


I was out of the hobby for a while, but I am sure that both my gameable 10mm armies are larger than any other armies I have ever owned, in any scale including 6mm.


10mm, of course. Is this a trick question?
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


mine is more an ad hoc collection of figures from different periods, countries etc so no armies as such
Sometimes I wonder - why is that frisbee geting bigger - and then it hits me!


about twice the size of other scales, so same game table size but lots more toys   8)


I've got most of a late war WWII British armoured division at 1:4 vehicle scale which is around 100 tanks, 400 infantry, plus guns and softskins. I have both a British and a US airborne brigade each of some 400 figures with a few vehicles.

I also have several other smaller WWII battlegroups, British and Germans for the Desert, early war French, late war Germans and a few other bits. Then I have 3 Warmaster forces (though rather a lot are still in blisters). Then there are WSS troops. Plus a dungeon with various monsters.
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I tend to use an order of battle and work out a figure ratio from there.  I suppose it depends on what size of game you like, I'm happy in the 12 element DBA world kinda thing.  Besides my attention span is far too short to paint huge armies. :D
"The time has come, the walrus said..."

2017 Paint-Off - Winner!


Well, it's just chance that my 10mm armies are smaller then my 15mm.

In AWI I use 1:20 and since battalions are small the battle is small, but I plan on expanding it to 1:15, so another 10-20% in size to bring it up to mabye 700 figures.
My ACW is 1:30 and in the end I'll have two Union divisions and Reb corps, but it's still around 850 figures compeard to my 1100ish 15mm Napolelincs,

of course if I was doing Napoleoincs, my 10mm Forces would be quite big.

And I had forgotten about my Alamo project that will be 1600 figures, that is quite alot bigger then my 15mm project.


I think I will be able to field a small corps or thereabouts on each side when I finish painting my Peninsular Napoleonics (maybe 16-20 24-figure battalions, a dozen or so squadrons, an appropriate quantity of guns).

For the Seven Years' War, I have Prussian, Austrian, French, and British, and I should be able to field around 25 battalions of foot/50 squadrons of horse/6-10 batteries of artillery for each when they're painted (like the Napoleonics, battalions will be 24 figures, line horse squadrons 6 figures, batteries 2 guns plus gunners). Probably more like 35 battalions/60 squadrons for the Hohenzollerns and Hapsburgs. I'm really trying to get someone else in the club to bite on the Russians.  ;D

For English Civil War, I'll be able to do a creditable job of keeping Montrose in the field.  :) We use For God, King, and Country, modified for 12-base, 48-figure foot regiments.


My SYW battalions are 54 figures strong, based on using Charles Grants rules in the "Wargame". Have to say they look quiet impressive. I would never attempt to have big battalions like that in 28mm or 15mm.

In 6mm i have corp size armies for the 1859  Italian war and FPW. I am working towards these in 10mm using adapted F & F Regimental.

I have to say i always thogh the idear behind using the smaller scales was to have bigger armies, but maybe thats just me.


Quote from: YORSTONS on 06 October 2010, 10:44:39 AM
I have to say i always thogh the idear behind using the smaller scales was to have bigger armies, but maybe thats just me.

Sometimes.  Sometimes it can be to increase the effective table space with a given figure count.  Bit of both for me.


Why not do the Russkies yourself? They're a killer army. BTW, you do know that they took their green coats off in the field and fought in red jackets, don't you?
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


06 October 2010, 03:33:03 PM #12 Last Edit: 06 October 2010, 03:41:11 PM by KennethHall
I'd have to hire out the painting (in addition to buying them). I've already got as many figures as I need, anyway. Maybe when I get tenure, I'll treat myself if no one else has done it by then.

I think if I did it, I'd do the regulars in green and the Corps of Observation in the red waistcoats, just for the distinction.


Ah, academia....the one field which allows enough free time for painting! If only they paid enough to buy the figures one has the leisure to paint. As it was, I must have done nearly a hundred 6mm armies while I was a lecturer.
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


Quote from: FierceKitty on 05 October 2010, 06:29:32 PM
10mm, of course. Is this a trick question?

=O Love it...

Quote from: lentulus on 06 October 2010, 01:09:16 PM
Sometimes.  Sometimes it can be to increase the effective table space with a given figure count.  Bit of both for me.

Yep - that's me too really.