New blog post on possible future projects

Started by Nick the Lemming, 16 October 2016, 02:30:55 PM

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Nick the Lemming

Been considering some future projects that I'd like to get around to sometime.

Current list:

Operation Sealion
TYW / Eastern theatre
Sudan 1885
Italian wars
Spanish Civil War

Feel free to offer encouragement / suggestions / pshawing of my choices. :D


Still a couple of things needed for 10mm Italian Wars (mounted arquebus, early sword and buckler, Italian shielded spearmen). Keep pushing for these. It would also be beneficial if the landsknecht range had some additional pike and arquebus poses added.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!


Quote from: Nick the Lemming on 16 October 2016, 02:30:55 PM
Feel free to offer encouragement / suggestions / pshawing of my choices. :D

Encouragement: Those are all potentially very interesting projects, good luck with them, whichever and however many you actually embark on.

Suggestions: Do not follow my example, try to finish* one before moving on to the other.

Pshawing: In the, hopefully unlikely, event that there are naysayers to any of these proposals - Noli illegitimi carborundum! :)

*Finish (intransigent verb ;) ) to have enough of a project done to allow a playable game. Not to be confused with Complete (illusory adjective) the illogical belief that those items now done will encompass the totality of the project and that no Ooh! Shiny! will come along necessitating the return of the project to Finished status :D
There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data


Korean War?

Instead of Sealion, have you considered Norway? Neubaufahrzeug?
Lord Oik of Runcorn (You may refer to me as Milord Oik)

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I don't think my wife likes me very much, when I had a heart attack she wrote for an ambulance.

Frank Carson

Nick the Lemming

Quote from: fsn on 16 October 2016, 02:52:12 PM
Korean War?

Instead of Sealion, have you considered Norway? Neubaufahrzeug?

One of the guys I usually play with is doing some Vietnam stuff, and I think is interested in Korea, so I don;t want to step on his toes too much.

I did consider Norway too, it's one of the second tier projects I've thought of doing. With luck, I'd be able to use some of the same figures for Sealion and Norway. The problem with the Neubaufahrzeug is finding figures for them I think.

Nick the Lemming

Quote from: Leman on 16 October 2016, 02:41:28 PM
Still a couple of things needed for 10mm Italian Wars (mounted arquebus, early sword and buckler, Italian shielded spearmen). Keep pushing for these. It would also be beneficial if the landsknecht range had some additional pike and arquebus poses added.

Yup, I am doing. :D

I'm definitely leaning to Pendraken for this one in particular.

Nick the Lemming

Quote from: Ithoriel on 16 October 2016, 02:45:48 PM
Encouragement: Those are all potentially very interesting projects, good luck with them, whichever and however many you actually embark on.

Suggestions: Do not follow my example, try to finish* one before moving on to the other.

Oh, that's far too late for me. :D

I've got several current projects on the go (which is why, of course, I'm thinking about future ones that I can also start doing). I mostly finish projects though, and of my current ones, I just have a few more bases worth of figures to paint up and then base properly (I like to do all my basing at once so they look the same).

Nick the Lemming

Quote from: Nosher on 16 October 2016, 02:55:06 PM
What rules for SCW?

I'm open to suggestion. I don't like BKC (too many dodgy games of CWC); I've considered doing some based on the mechanics from Sword and Spear, or converting some of my VBCW rules to suit, though I'd have to remove some of the humour there really. I do want that sense of factional infighting as well though, not being entirely able to trust your allies. I might be able to just do that with several players on each side and individual objectives though.


Quote from: Nick the Lemming on 16 October 2016, 03:23:44 PM
I'm open to suggestion. I don't like BKC (too many dodgy games of CWC); I've considered doing some based on the mechanics from Sword and Spear, or converting some of my VBCW rules to suit, though I'd have to remove some of the humour there really. I do want that sense of factional infighting as well though, not being entirely able to trust your allies. I might be able to just do that with several players on each side and individual objectives though.

Agreed on BKC. Just doesn't work for SCW.

I tried CoC and similarly I wasn't that enamoured even though I really like the rules.

Ive got a World Aflame which is Osprey, skirmish level - maybe I should have another look at these, but from what I recall from initially reading the rules I wasn't that excited about them - there seemed an awful lot 'left to do' in terms of designing forces to play :-\
I don't think my wife likes me very much, when I had a heart attack she wrote for an ambulance.

Frank Carson

Nick the Lemming

Quote from: Nosher on 16 October 2016, 03:52:18 PM
Agreed on BKC. Just doesn't work for SCW.

I tried CoC and similarly I wasn't that enamoured even though I really like the rules.

Ive got a World Aflame which is Osprey, skirmish level - maybe I should have another look at these, but from what I recall from initially reading the rules I wasn't that excited about them - there seemed an awful lot 'left to do' in terms of designing forces to play :-\

Yeah, I have all of those too. I'm not as keen on CoC - I want to like them, but...

A lot of the osprey rules I've seen seem to be like that - either haven't been finished, edited or playtested properly. Plus, AWF is as you say, skirmish, and I'm more into big battles these days - part of the reason I tend to go for smaller scale figures.

Steve J

A lot of stuff for the SCW can be used for AVBCW forces and some for Operation Sealion. I looked at Norway as an option, but after reading a book on the subject thought it wasn't worth the effort. Personally I've had no problem with BKCII for the SCW and AVBCW games.


The 2004 Summer Special from TFL has a SCW supplement for IABSM - "Up Your Cara Al Sol", including scenarios - think are more scenarios and features in later specials too


Just read the post - that's a lot of ideas, periods and scales. Blimey. I thought I flitted around, but I now feel that I am quite sane and balanced with the relatively few eras and scales I game with.

Your S&S hack sounds interesting, but the link doesn't work - it needs authorisation for Google Drive.

As to which you should choose. I've thought about SWC, using CoC and Pendraken figures. Partly because of the many factions, so going platoon sized with CoC is practicable. Also there is a great SWC supplement for CoC. I have the Osprey World in Flame book, and while it was interesting, I didn't really get much feeling from the rules.

Sealion - and early WWII in general, is good.

Italian wars - always good. Nice mix of forces as the traditional medieval meets firearms.

Sudan - colonial is always good. A good period as you get both red and khaki for the British.

Really, I'm no help at all, I like most of the periods you have suggested. VBCW is the only one that does little for me.  Ultimately you know you will do 4 of these and 3 others you haven't even thought about yet.  :P
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Nick the Lemming

Quote from: Steve J on 16 October 2016, 05:02:24 PM
A lot of stuff for the SCW can be used for AVBCW forces and some for Operation Sealion. I looked at Norway as an option, but after reading a book on the subject thought it wasn't worth the effort. Personally I've had no problem with BKCII for the SCW and AVBCW games.

Yeah, for VBCW I'd be raiding the SCW codes for a lot of them. Sealion I'd almost certainly do in 6mm though.