Techno hates Microsoft - Episode 435.

Started by Techno, 28 September 2016, 01:01:25 PM

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I hate them.  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

Windows 8.1 didn't come with 'Office'.....But there WERE some 'apps' that were more than usable for my needs. (WPS Writer.)

Tried to open an old file this morning....Was told I'd password protected it.....B*llocks.....(And neither had Mrs T.)....There were some waffy 'images' that came up, looking like there had been some sort of 'improvement' (PAH !) to WPS.
Got to the info eventually...Back to the desktop,....and the 3 WPS shortcuts had disappeared.

Anyone know any reputable, safe and  free 'Office type' downloads that I can use ?

Cheers - Phil (Running a full system  virus scan, as I type......JUST in case.)


Open Office, Phil. It's Freeware and Open Source.

I use it all the time.

It has all the major functions of MS Office without the bells and whistles I never used.

Download it from here -
There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Open office is what I'd use. It's not too compatible with Power Point, and totally incompatible with Access, also it wont run Excell Macros. but it be free, and works in similar ways.

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021


Thanks,  Both.  :)

I'll download that soon.

Cheers - Phil


I use Google docs and thats also free

Take care

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Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Phil - if you have a poor signal it can take a long time - but should be fully uploaded in about 5 mins with normal service.
Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021


Ta, Ian.

I'll make sure I do it as early in the morning as poss, then.
That's when the speed's noticeably faster.

Cheers - Phil


OK I've tried to d/load open office twice, everything seems to go swimmingly but there's no sign of the programme ?!
Don't buy your daughters a pony, buy them heroin instead, its cheaper and ultimately less addictive.


Not even in downlaods, Cam ? (THAT'S caught me out before.....Expecting it to work, straight away.)

I'll have a go a little later and see what happens.  ;)

Cheers - Phil


Done it.

Had to 'activate' it from downloads.....But seems to be fine here, Cam.

Cheers - Phil.


Don't buy your daughters a pony, buy them heroin instead, its cheaper and ultimately less addictive.


Huzzah !!  :)

I'm pleased, 'cos I can now open all the old 'Word' documents that have been transferred from PC to PC from the beginning of time.
Thanks to Mike & Ian, again.

(Brilliant team here....Or what ?)  ;)

Cheers - Phil



What's the difference between my 'server' and my 'host'.

Most of the time I get internet problems over here (recently), I get told....No network connection...Cannot find the server.
That seemed to happen rather frequently for a month, about two months back.

I put that down to some BT contractors playing with new optic fibre cables up and down the road.....'Cos that seems to be OK now.

The 'fault' I have yesterday afternoon and through the night was......cannot find the host at 'something or other'.

Seen that one regularly twice a year since we've been here....It always seems to 'mend itself' after 12 hours or so.

To return to my question....What's the difference between my server and my host ?

Cheers - Phil


I have explanations in my head that refer to tennis parties and invitations to the local big wigs and bright young things coming down to Techno Towers for a jolly jaunt to help out Lord T with the local fete  and maybe help 'borrow' a cow creamer that Lord Nobby has had his eye on for some time. That would be the 'host'

A server could refer to any under footman or maybe a rather clever clogs gentlemans gentlemen
If I were creating Pendraken I wouldn't mess about with Romans and  Mongols  I would have started with Centurions , eight o'clock, Day One!


Quote from: Techno on 04 October 2016, 05:53:06 AM

What's the difference between my 'server' and my 'host'.


To return to my question....What's the difference between my server and my host ?

Cheers - Phil

For those not working in IT Phil, there isn't really much difference. In both cases you PC is having problems finding a route to the computer that lets you access the site you're after.

Technically any end device on a computer network is a host.

If the host is able to receive requests (let me read my email, show me a map of Edinburgh, play me a song) and return the relevant item then it is both a host and a server.

If it sends those requests it is a client.

Since computers are capable of doing lots of things at once, many machines will be client, server and host.

Clear as mud, I'm sure!

There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data