Colours 2016

Started by Steve J, 28 July 2016, 05:48:33 AM

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Steve J

In the end family commitments prevented my attending this year. Hope you had a nice day and look forward to pics etc from any that were able to attend.

O Dinas Powys

Quote from: Steve J on 10 September 2016, 05:41:47 PM
In the end family commitments prevented my attending this year. Hope you had a nice day and look forward to pics etc from any that were able to attend.

Well, that would explain why neither Leon or I couldn't find you on our meanderings  ;)

Nope, the day was spoilt for the lack of you presence  :'( ;)

Never mind, maybe at Reading or next year  :)

Only took pictures of few games in the end: one containing Welsh lovelies; one of 10mm wholesomeness; and one of a (quite dinky) Bloody Big Battle!  8)

Now I just need to get them uploaded along with the snaps of my visit to Techno Towers!  :D


(I know, even though it's fantasy  :o  ;)  )

Steve J

Maybe Reading, but this tends to clash with family stuff as well :(.

Chris Pringle

Meirion, good to meet you. Thanks for coming by.

I'm glad Colours has been resurrected. It was a good show - not that I saw much of it! I was pretty much tied to our participation game, so apologies for not making it down to the trader level to say hi to the Pendraken team. Maybe at Warfare in November ...

Thank you to everyone who checked out our game, either to join in or just to chat. It was great to catch up with some old friends and to make some new ones.

(And of course the game was a glorious, nailbiting draw!)


Bloody Big BATTLES!