Stuff for Sale

Started by sixsideddice, 28 September 2010, 01:19:32 PM

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28 September 2010, 01:19:32 PM Last Edit: 28 September 2010, 03:19:44 PM by Leon
I`m culling my gaming collection right back.

Too big to post out BUT:   if anyone is coming to Ireland some time soon (Co. Kerry down in the south, near Killarney and on the Ring of Kerry) I am losing the following:

Pretty much the ENTIRE range of GW`s 28mm Lord of the Rings miniatures... including all the big pieces, castle, all the rules books and supplements, etc... thousands of pieces.

Advanced Squad Leader (all the main modules, Beyond Valor, Paratroopers, Yanks, Solitaire, The Rules, etc.... plus all 3 beginner games) and all four original Squad Leader gamettes.

Thousands of 6mm miniatures and a host of terrain (ECW, Ancients, Aztecs, WW2, etc etc).

All my Hasbro Heroscape stuff (pretty darn extensive it is too).

All my Mage Knight and Horror Clix collecton (thousands of figures).

All my 3.1 & 3.5 AD&D hardback and softback books (dozens).

Loads more, just need to think what it all is.

How much do I want... almost give away. A bit would be nice just so I can buy more 10mm stuff lol. I`ll be happy with what is offered anyway :-) NO I`M NOT GIVING UP GAMING LOL... I just have wayyyyyy too much stuff  :-\ When I say give away, I mean a few hundred for the lot, all in one go ideally. Value is off the wall, but I simply can`t face ditching it away, and I don`t have time or patience to sell it for its real value (thousands) on Ebay.

But you`d have to be coming this way to pick it all up and go home with a car load.



(EDIT: Split into new topic)


Funny old game, wargaming.  I was up in the roof space tonight. Loads of 15mm Peter Pig AK47 RANGE, and QRF vehicles and a load of quality diecast 1/100 aircraft and choppers.  A lot still in the bubble pack. Does anyone belong to a club that games in 15mm postwar ?

Not all of you will get this - the old and bold will - its a bit like eight track cassetts....they were all the rage...great sound...then four track took over.  Is 10mm the new four track ?

Good luck with the sale Sixsideddice.....who knows, Leon might take pity and give us a dedicated zone for 'post and buy' !

What figures do you guys have in the roofspace ?......I discovered H0 &00Airfix Guardsmen ....circa 1960s.....The first small soft plastic figures that...changed life as we know it.  8th Army and ACW quickly followed and ..Wagontrain ..
then came the Paras...about 1966....and we were up to 1/76 scale.

Dave Fielder

I've kepy my first 25mm Hinchliffe British Napoleonic Infantry Foot figure. The rest has been sold, re-bought, sold, rebased, repainted, sold, ebayed, bought and swapped. Sometimes painted, sometimes even played with. Scales have changed, some grew, some shrunk. Lost, found, loved, hated. Many kept in boxes, ready and poised to battle enemies for years. Forgotten, remembered. Some planned for over many years growing one skirmisher element at a time, others obtained on a whim and made ready in a few weeks. Bring and bought and then they fought. Plastic and metal.  Sometimes one even meets and talks to people, most times they sit in the corner rocking slowly clutching favourite rulessets. Bearded yet balding, dandruff and body odour. It is endless and timeless, and a hobby without limits.
Romeo and Juliet is a Verona Crisis