Britcon 2016 12-14 August 2016, Manchester

Started by madaxeman, 24 July 2016, 09:48:03 PM

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The 2016 Britcon Trade Show
The Britcon Trade Show will be returning to the now-familiar surroundings of the Barnes Wallis Building in Piccadilly, Manchester over the weekend of 13th-14th August 2016, alongside the BHGS Britcon Convention.

Entry is free – yes, that's right, no entry cost at all! We know there is a recession out there, so we want you to be able to spend all of your hard earned cash with our loyal traders... and you can't say fairer than that!

Updated trader list:

Ainsty Castings
All Rolled Up
Ancient & Modern / Donnington Miniatures <b>will have their new Armies of Islam range on show, and on sale</b>
Asylum Wargaming
Battle Foam pre show orders with Britcon pickup get 25% off! Enter the Coupon Code BRITCON16 at the checkout on their website
Colonel Bills now carrying Coat d'Arms paints, and will be launching some some new 28mm ECW civilians at the show
Daves Wargames (a new MDF terrain maker)
Dave Lanchester Books
Dave Thomas (stocking Perry Miniatures, Crusader Miniatures, Artizan Designs, Northstar's '1644, Africa and IHMN ranges, Warfare Miniatures, Dead Mans Hand, Saga, Musket and Tomahawks, Great War Miniatures plus a near-full range of the latest plastic figures from Perry, Wargames Factory, Warlord Games, Victrix Games, Fireforge and Valiant).
Footsore Miniatures (with Ainsty Castings)
Hoka Hey Wargaming (including Timeline Miniatures MDF terrain
KR Multicase
Lesley's Bits Box - 15% off RRP GW goodies
Magister Militum
Open Combat / Second Thunder
PE2 Collectibles
Sarissa Precision
The Pit
Warlord Games

We also have a number of demo games. So far we have confirmed :

- Austerlitz – 16' x 6' table from our regular demo team from Mailed Fist Club in Manchester
- ​​Spartan Games Official Demo Team
- HOMABOD_ Quick-play demo and participation game with 54mm "1815" game of the "Hordes of Models and Buckets of Dice – Gunpowder Period" rules with an 8ft x 6t, 300+ models

We also have a great bring and buy onsite on both days.

For full details of all traders and demo games visit our website for The Britcon Trade Show
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