boots on the ground report with minis

Started by petercooman, 22 July 2016, 05:01:19 PM

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Figuring that kind of stuff out is half the fun!


Not for me!  I'm a gamer and hate to scratch-build stuff, which leaves only buying stuff.  The problems there being 1) the time it takes to get the stuff, and 2) spending money I don't have! ;)



You could always just use any wall section i guess, as long as it works it's all good!


I haven't really gotten to it yet.  I played three games this weekend, so there was that time, plus working on the batreps, plus working on painting the troops I intend on using for Boots On The Ground (which are Peter Pig Modern Israelis).



Quote from: bigjackmac on 26 July 2016, 01:30:40 AM
I haven't really gotten to it yet.  I played three games this weekend, so there was that time, plus working on the batreps, plus working on painting the troops I intend on using for Boots On The Ground (which are Peter Pig Modern Israelis).


Busy busy  :D


You could go with printed off cardboard/paper buildings? Or even cereal packets/boxes cut along the middle of the sides (to produce two "wavy edged/damaged buildings), cut out door ways and windows, done. It's a bit cheap and cheerful but should get you going for nothing more than raiding the recycling bin :D
I provide a cheap, quick painting service to get you table top quality figures ready to roll -


Well, I've got to figure something out now, my box arrived last night.

I gave it a quick once over, will get more in depth tonight.  I was surprised it only has one map, but no worries. 

I have a bunch of Middle East buildings in 15mm, I just wonder if I could make them match up with the proper windows and doors for the map.



Quote from: bigjackmac on 28 July 2016, 04:39:56 PM
Well, I've got to figure something out now, my box arrived last night.

I gave it a quick once over, will get more in depth tonight.  I was surprised it only has one map, but no worries. 

I have a bunch of Middle East buildings in 15mm, I just wonder if I could make them match up with the proper windows and doors for the map.


Yes everything is done on the same map, but most scenarios have different starting points and different exit points, so it's not always the same route you take.


Yeah, no problem.  It just surprised me a bit.  I've got no problem with it, it's a city, all looks the same.
