Bash Day 2017 - Save the Date! Saturday 18 February, Oxford UK

Started by Chris Pringle, 23 June 2016, 12:54:51 PM

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Chris Pringle

Following the success of this year's first ever "Bloody Big Battles!" (BBB) convention, Bash Day, by popular demand we are planning a repeat event: Bash Day 2017.

For a report on Bash Day 2016 and links to a couple of fine photo-AARs, see here:

Bash Day 2017 will be slightly expanded in time and space but will keep essentially the same format and the same main venue.

Date: Saturday 18 February 2017

Venue same as this year: Wolvercote Village Hall, Oxford, UK, plus we will run some games in the restaurant area of the local pub, The Plough.

Timing: likely 0900 kick-off. We have the use of the hall and of the restaurant for the whole evening.

Rations: pub grub lunch will be laid on as part of the event.

We're giving advance notice now so that everyone who is interested in participating has plenty of time to save the date and make suitable travel plans. Invitations have just gone out to prospective gamemasters; further announcements will follow when we've constructed a provisional list of games to be laid on.

I hope to see a lot of you in Wolvercote next February!


Bloody Big BATTLES!


The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!