200k = £100 - Forum Giveaway!

Started by Leon, 25 April 2016, 03:45:40 PM

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25 April 2016, 10:59:35 PM #30 Last Edit: 25 April 2016, 11:02:55 PM by FierceKitty
May 5th, 11:00
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.

Le Manchou

Si vis pacem, para bellum



So, as it doesn't state 'one guess per member', can I post 672 individual guesses, covering each of the 24 hours in a day x 7 days in a week x 4 weeks in a month?

Oh, and I'll start doing all of that when the forum post count reaches 199, 000 total posts.  :d

And I'm no good at maths, so if that ain't right ... tough!  :P ;)
Rimmer: "Aliens."

Lister: "Oh God, aliens... Your explanation for anything slightly peculiar is aliens, isn't it?

Rimmer: "Well, we didn't use it all, Lister. Who did?"

Lister: "Rimmer, aliens used our bog roll?"




26 April 2016, 10:28:51 AM #35 Last Edit: 26 April 2016, 02:19:46 PM by Leon
Quote from: Leon on 25 April 2016, 03:45:40 PM

We had a similar competition when we hit 100,000 posts on the Forum, so as we approach our 200,000th post it's time for another giveaway!  The rules are simple, whoever can guess the day and hour of our 200,000th post will win a massive £100 worth of Pendraken goodies!  Simply state the day and hour you think we will hit this milestone, for example 7th May 19:00 and we'll see who can get the closest!  In addition, we'll give a smaller £10 prize to the two people either side of the winner.

The Forum has continued to grow every year thanks to you lot so it's nice to give something back.  

AAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!! why is not minibits, Leon your robbing me blind, to your poor father!!!!! >:(

Duke Speedy of Leighton

Maybe minibits need their own forum.
but there's only so many silly questions and photo requests for bits of mdf... ;)
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner



Quote from: Dave on 26 April 2016, 10:28:51 AM
AAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!! why is not minibits, Leon your robbing me blind, to your poor father!!!!! >:(

I think the Two runner up prizes are from Minibits.

And if you feel brave enough to remonstrate with Mi'lady then go ahead.  We will just keep our heads down  :D
The cynics are right nine times out of ten. -Mencken, H. L.

Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well. - Robert Louis Stevenson



And I'll make it 0700... I get up at 0600, so that gives me an hour...


I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


Quote from: RoyWilliamson on 26 April 2016, 08:33:44 AM
So, as it doesn't state 'one guess per member', can I post 672 individual guesses, covering each of the 24 hours in a day x 7 days in a week x 4 weeks in a month?

No... It does say "Simply state the day and hour you think we will hit this milestone", so singular and not the plural "...days and hours...".

So there...!


Quote from: Dave on 26 April 2016, 10:28:51 AM
AAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!! why is not minibits, Leon your robbing me blind, to your poor father!!!!! >:(

Because this is the Pendraken Forum!  Don't worry, I'll make sure you get a room with a view in the nursing home...!


Quote from: mad lemmey on 26 April 2016, 10:49:01 AM
Maybe minibits need their own forum.

Don't tell him... ;)

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Quote from: FierceKitty on 26 April 2016, 01:19:25 PMSo do I. Horrible, isn't it?
It's got worse recently while the whole of the Glasgow/Edinburgh corridor gets torn up for the new Motorway...



Let's say 15th of May at 19.00 hours UK time :-) Best of luck all!
2012 Painting Competition - Winner!