200k = £100 - Forum Giveaway!

Started by Leon, 25 April 2016, 03:45:40 PM

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25 April 2016, 03:45:40 PM Last Edit: 20 May 2016, 03:53:10 PM by Leon

We had a similar competition when we hit 100,000 posts on the Forum, so as we approach our 200,000th post it's time for another giveaway!  The rules are simple, whoever can guess the day and hour of our 200,000th post will win a massive £100 worth of Pendraken goodies!  Simply state the day and hour you think we will hit this milestone, for example 7th May 19:00 and we'll see who can get the closest!  In addition, we'll give a smaller £10 prize to the two people either side of the winner.

The Forum has continued to grow every year thanks to you lot so it's nice to give something back.  

So, the rules are:

- You must be a Forum member to take part - Easy enough...

- You must have AT LEAST 25 posts to your name - If you're new to the forum, just join in some of the discussions, or post up some WIP pictures and batreps.

- Guesses should be to THE NEAREST HOUR please - For example, 7th May, 19:00.  If the 200,000th post is made at any point between 18:31pm and 19:29pm, then you're the winner, and so on.  All times are assumed to be GMT.

- The competition will close to entries when we reach 199,500 posts - So no waiting until the last minute to enter your guess!

- No cheating to bump the post count closer to your entry! - Make sure all your posts are contributing to a thread/discussion/Totty.  Anyone making one word posts purely designed to bump the count will have their posts deleted.  Remember that this is a bit of fun, so let's keep it that way.

Let us know if there are any questions on that lot.

And to help you along with your guesses, the post count curently stands at 197191.  Over the past 3 months we've had:

Jan - 3353 posts.
Feb - 3654 posts.
Mar - 3672 posts.

.. and then 2567 currently in April.

So, get your calculators out, stick a pin in the calendar and post up your guesses!

Best of luck to everyone.


2nd May
23:00 - Luddite

3rd May
12:00 - Ithoriel

4th May
07:00 - Wulf

5th May
11:00 - FierceKitty
20:00 - owaincaesarius
21:00 - Nirnman

6th May
15:00 - Genom
18:00 - DaveH

7th May
01:00 - Bodvoc
07:00 - Pijlie
19:00 - GrumpyOldMan

8th May
11:00 - mad lemmey
12:00 - JeffNNN
21:00 - ronan

9th May
18:00 - jchaos79

10th May
18:00 - Chad
24:00 - ianrs54

11th May
10:00 - slinky
12:00 - Nosher
18:00 - PB (awaiting 25 post requirement)

12th May
10:00 - Fenton
14:00 - Kiwidave
15:00 - Steve J
18:00 - Subedai

13th May
13:00 - MiniPatton
15:00 - mart678
16:00 - jimduncanuk
23:00 - Westmarcher

14th May
10:00 - anchorite (awaiting 25 post requirement)
13:00 - toxicpixie

18:00 - Shecky
21:00 - kev1964
22:00 - slugbalancer

15th May
12:00 - Le Manchou
17:00 - Bertie
19:00 - Theo
21:00 - Jose Mendes

16th May
16:00 - MooseDontBounce
17:00 - pierre the shy
18:00 - Heedless Horseman
19:00 - Malbork
20:00 - Maenoferran

17th May
10:00 - skywalker
12:00 - petercooman
19:00 - OldenBUA
21:00 - Just a Few Orcs

18th May
12:00 - Matt J
18:00 - d_Guy

19:00 - paulr
20:00 - andys

19th May
10:00 - Treeman (awaiting 25 post requirement)
12:00 - zackzeta (awaiting 25 post requirement)
14:00 - kipt
15:00 - Hecoma
16:00 - Techno
19:00 - Dazza

21:00 - BucketKnight
23:00 - kodiakblair - Runner-Up

20th May
08:00 - fred. - WINNER!
13:00 - Shedman - Runner-Up
23:00 - WeeWars

21st May
18:00 - fsn

22nd May
19:00 - agtfos

23rd May
11:00 - bradpitre

24th May
08:00 - Norm

25th May
13:00 - Sandinista

30th May
23:00 - Womble67

31st May
11:00 - redstef

1st June
15:00 - lentulus

2nd June
18:00 - Leveller Mutineer

6th June
12:00 - simonhl (awaiting 25 post requirement)
08:00 - mollinary

15th June
11:00 - Rob

1st April 2017
03:00 - Roy Williamson

Total: 75 entries
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Duke Speedy of Leighton

Okay, never win these things, but 11am bst 8th May
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


I've run the figures through an excel 2.0 spreadsheet and the answer comes out to

13:00 May 20th 2529!

I'll ignore the year



Allright, I'll go for 17th of May, 19:00 hours
Water is indeed the essential ingredient of life, because without water you can't make coffee!

Aander lu bin óók lu.



Encumbered by Idjits, we pressed on


Lord Oik of Runcorn (You may refer to me as Milord Oik)

Oik of the Year 2013, 2014; Prize for originality and 'having a go, bless him', 2015
3 votes in the 2016 Painting Competition!; 2017-2019 The Wilderness years
Oik of the Year 2020; 7 votes in the 2021 Painting Competition
11 votes in the 2022 Painting Competition (Double figures!)
2023 - the year of Gerald:
2024 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


If I were creating Pendraken I wouldn't mess about with Romans and  Mongols  I would have started with Centurions , eight o'clock, Day One!


There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021


Blog is at

2017 Paint-Off - Winner!


7th May 01-00, date and time of my birth :)
'If I throw a six I'll do my happy dance'!

2016 Painting Competition - People's Choice!


Dazza's 10mm Miniature Armies : http://www.ukstrike.co.uk
" AWI, Colonial, WW2 & Vietnam"

AWI Photos : https://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php/topic,560.0.html

Never argue with an idiot; He'll drag you down to his level and beat you by experience.
