BBB: First solo test - Shiloh

Started by Aksu, 25 April 2016, 02:06:16 PM

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I tried out the BBB rules I bought from Salute yesterday. Worked well, the basic concepts were familiar from my earlier games with mates using Fire and Fury. However, much more streamlined and easy to run feel than what I seem to recall from the other set. I really like the way fire can halt an advance. And I did see one Reb division smash through a Union line only to exploit and fail against the second line of defenders. Very nice feel to it.
Anyway, as this was a solo test I had to figure out some concepts on my own. I was a bit unclear on how movement works, especially move to contact.
Am I correct in understanding that units CAN move "obliquely" along the movement line from FCP, or they CAN turn to face the direction of movement. The 3" penalty is purely based on whether or not the movement line falls into the 90 deg frontal arc? Therefore a unit can "slide sideways", perhaps even into contact, as long as the 3" penalty is paid?


Me again, I posted the same question to BBB yahoo group, which perhaps is the right place to ask detailed questions, mea culpa. Anyway, suffice to say I do like the rules, and am now very tempted to order some FPW figures... Must resist the temptation... Must concentrate on painting LoA...


Resistance is futile.

I'm a big fan of BBB and have fought the Shiloh scenario. Great fun. As I understand it it is the front centre point (FCP) which moves in a straight line, with no reduction unless it is beyond 45 degrees of straight ahead. This can include wheeling - see the first example on page 15, which shows how the German 41st brigade moves its full move along a line from its FCP (minus 3" for crossing the stream) but it has also wheeled to the right so that it is facing the French. Unlike many rules there is no deduction for this wheel as the straight line move is within 45 degrees of its original FCP facing.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!

Chris Pringle

Hi Aksu,

Glad to hear you liked your first taste of BBB. Andy (Leman) is right. Movement in BBB is deliberately simple and easy to calculate, and a bit different in execution from most rules. I'll respond in more detail on the BBB Yahoo group.

Bloody Big BATTLES!