Montebello 1859

Started by cameronian, 06 April 2016, 03:45:58 PM

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Charming little blog with paper soldiers, quirky but worth a look.
Don't buy your daughters a pony, buy them heroin instead, its cheaper and ultimately less addictive.

Steve J

Very quirky but charming 8)


So much for all the painting.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!


07 April 2016, 08:24:00 AM #3 Last Edit: 07 April 2016, 08:28:09 AM by cameronian
Very quirky but charming  8)

;D yes I probably deserved that. Been looking at paper soldiers though, didn't realise how big it was and how many products there were available, as an example have a look at Walkerloo toy soldiers (not a typo, Walkerloo), a good present for nephews and an excellent way to get the younger generation interested. The Paper Battles site however is of a different calibre, this stuff is really nice; now if we could do it on really thin ply, print/paint it industrially then cut with laser, well it would save a lot of painting time would it not.
Don't buy your daughters a pony, buy them heroin instead, its cheaper and ultimately less addictive.


It's all very charming but the actual battlefield is seriously dominated by a substantial ridge running at the foot of the main road. So this is a lovely battle but it ain't Montebello.