New member and a question

Started by Andy_Cole, 08 April 2016, 12:02:54 AM

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I'm just started playing around with 10mm figures, we are planning on some fantasy games using warmaster ( my opponents choice) and piquet ( my choice).
My question was regard the scale of the new warband figures, i've ordered some barbarians, plus a few anglo-saxons from the dark ages range. There is a considerable size difference, its not a problem as I only have one Saxon pack. I'm assuming warband is a heroic 10mm, would that be correct? How do the old fantasy figures scale up?
But I am loving the figures, just wouldn't want to mix them in the same army though.



First off, welcome to the Forum!

Our Fantasy figures have always been a little larger than the historical ones, being around 12-14mm overall height, whereas the historicals are usually around 11.5mm (10mm to the eye).  The newer Warband ranges are all based on, or conversions from, those original Fantasy figures, so you can mix and match across any of the new/old Fantasy ranges.

The next Warband army to get done will be the Dragonmen, which be a range of humans sculpted to match up with our other Warband ranges.

Give me a shout if we can help with anything.

8) - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


Cheers Leon that was a super fast reply.
It's no problem, I'll put the saxons aside for a future dux brit project. having painted my first batch of 10mm I've realised I can do all those projects that I started in 28mm but just didn't finished due to painting fatigue.


Hi Andy - welcome to the forum!
With my 17th Scot and Irish stuff I use mostly Pendraken but mix in several other manufactures (and eras) for variety. This often produces a similar problem and I use ~2mm shims when basing those that are slightly smaller - once painted and based in tight groupings it is sufficient to fool the eye (well most eyes :)). Not real elegant and may not meet your aesthetic but thought I would mention it.
Encumbered by Idjits, we pressed on


Hi Andy,

welcome to the forum. Lots of friendly, helpful and knowledgeable lunatics forum members here. :)

Also lots of input from the Pendraken team themselves, as you've already seen.

As a big fan of Warmaster I hope you enjoy it, though if you haven't played any similar systems it can take some getting used to.

There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data


Welcome to the forum, Andy. :-h
Cheers - Phil


The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021


Welcome Mr Cole.

You're OK with orcs and goblins and dragons and balrogs, and dwarves and snitterfields, yet you baulk at men have a one foot height difference? 

I will never understand fantasy.

It's like when people objected to a large-breasted Catwoman performing acrobatics and gymnastics to which the reply was "you're quite happy that a man can fly, shoot heat beams out his eyes and is invulnerable to bullets ... but can't cope with an ample bosomed woman doing spin kicks."

Welcome anyway. Sorry if I sound grumpy - you caught me at a low point of the morning. 
Lord Oik of Runcorn (You may refer to me as Milord Oik)

Oik of the Year 2013, 2014; Prize for originality and 'having a go, bless him', 2015
3 votes in the 2016 Painting Competition!; 2017-2019 The Wilderness years
Oik of the Year 2020; 7 votes in the 2021 Painting Competition
11 votes in the 2022 Painting Competition (Double figures!)
2023 - the year of Gerald:
2024 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Hi Andy

You'll learn about Mr fsn. I'd just focus on the cat women part of his post...

The height difference is most noticeable  at the stage of preparing figures - once they are on the table these difference tend to be far less noticeable. Particualry if you use some of the tricks mentioned above.
2011 Painting Competition - Winner!
2012 Painting Competition - 2 x Runner-Up
2016 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2017 Paint-Off - 3 x Winner!

My wife's creations: Jewellery and decorations with sparkle and shine at


Quote from: fsn on 08 April 2016, 07:13:06 AM
Welcome Mr Cole.

You're OK with orcs and goblins and dragons and balrogs, and dwarves and snitterfields, yet you baulk at men have a one foot height difference? 

I will never understand fantasy.

It's like when people objected to a large-breasted Catwoman performing acrobatics and gymnastics to which the reply was "you're quite happy that a man can fly, shoot heat beams out his eyes and is invulnerable to bullets ... but can't cope with an ample bosomed woman doing spin kicks."

Welcome anyway. Sorry if I sound grumpy - you caught me at a low point of the morning. 
Have to agree with FSN on this, as I just don't get fantasy either. If it's made up then anything goes so why have rules.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!

Duke Speedy of Leighton

Hello and welcome.
Don't listen to the eeyores above, it's not their usual sunny disposition, give the thread 10 posts more and we will be massively off topic!
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


I there is no other option have been known to mix and match figures as well but I think that the height difference is part and parcel of a unit. Also making up whole units of the same figure types from different manufacturers in an army usually works as well.

Oh, and wotcha from me.
Blog is at

2017 Paint-Off - Winner!


Quote from: fsn on 08 April 2016, 07:13:06 AM
Sorry if I sound grumpy - you caught me at a low point of the morning. 

Very unlike you, Nobby.....Hope everything's OK, Matey.

Cheers - Phil


Quote from: fsn on 08 April 2016, 07:13:06 AM
Welcome Mr Cole.

You're OK with orcs and goblins and dragons and balrogs, and dwarves and snitterfields, yet you baulk at men have a one foot height difference? 

Common sense? Here?
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.