Teesside Wargames Convention

Started by skywalker, 18 March 2016, 06:53:20 PM

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Quote from: RoyWilliamson on 03 April 2016, 01:46:34 PM

I can't get a link to work for the Redcar Ironbeards' Facebook page, you need to sign in. So, unless Skywalker asks me to delete them, here's his photo's

Thanks Roy

I am not registered with Facebook so I am presuming that Facebook users have to make their pictures public access for non-facebook users to view.
My Ego forbids a signature.


Thanks for putting up the pictures Roy  :-bd


An earlier post said:

Of which, this one shows both the Redcar Ironbeards' game and, possibly, me in the background talking to Stu (of Col. Bills). To the right of shot might be CV10man?

Yes It looks like my rear end! ;D ;D ;D



I'll keep an eye out for any, and put them on here.

The other two (still to come) Teesside shows should provide more photos, as they're both bigger affairs with a bit more history behind them and so can draw in more gamers/traders.

Brian Waugh has posted that this show was a success and it will run in 2017, and that traders have put their names down for trading spaces for next year.

Rimmer: "Aliens."

Lister: "Oh God, aliens... Your explanation for anything slightly peculiar is aliens, isn't it?

Rimmer: "Well, we didn't use it all, Lister. Who did?"

Lister: "Rimmer, aliens used our bog roll?"


I'm afraid I moved to NZ a while ago and like to see what is happening in Teesside.


I honestly haven't seen any more photos of this show - I didn't take my camera as I thought it would be a very small event and there would be nothing worth capturing for posterity. [I was wrong.]

My summary of the Teesside Wargames Convention would be:
. Small show

. Adequate number of traders for the event / enough of a diverse spread of scales, terrain, food, figures, books on offer

. Venue was ideal, though lighting not great for cameras (nothing that the organisers could do about that - obviously an issue with most, older sports halls)

. There was listed that two tournaments would be there, but I only saw the WW2 Bolt Action games. 40K might have been elsewhere. Either way, they didn't interfere with the show

. Games: there was the WW2 tournament games, as mentioned above. Some local groups displaying, Redcar Ironbeards included - from memory, the others were of a fantasy / sci-fi type (there was a space ships game and a sci-fi / steam punk-ish naval game). The participation games were those run by the traders; a couple of zombie games, Space Hulk, Bolt Action, possibly a couple more that I've forgotten about.

Nothing wrong with any of the games shown, or on offer, and the organisers did well attracting a good spread of game types for this sized (and still new) show. There was no dead space, where games should have been but didn't turn up (from what I can remember), so I had no complaints of what was on offer - and a couple of the participation gamers did actively try to get me involved in playing, so, again, nothing to complain about in the lack of opportunities.

. I was in attendance as a member of the public (in case people think I was trading, on the Col. Bills staff), so I don't know if the show was a success from the trader's point of view - though, if they're wanting to come back next year, it can't have been a failure.

. If I was going to make a criticism, then it'd be this. Once inside the (large) sports centre the wargames show is quite a distance, and down a couple of winding corridors, from the entrance. I'd not been before, so was looking for where I needed to go. A couple of "Show, this way" type of signs attached to a door or wall (if the sports centre would allow it) would have been highly of use.
Rimmer: "Aliens."

Lister: "Oh God, aliens... Your explanation for anything slightly peculiar is aliens, isn't it?

Rimmer: "Well, we didn't use it all, Lister. Who did?"

Lister: "Rimmer, aliens used our bog roll?"