That's it...I've had it !

Started by Techno, 25 March 2016, 08:00:27 PM

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Good old Microsoft.

They haven't given up yet.

Dozens and dozens of updates just come through as Mrs T shut the PC down............So I wound it back up and went and had a look to see if my favourite update.... (Compulsory countdown to Windows 10 upgrade)..... had been reinstalled.

Buried along with all the others was KB3035583.......again.

It's not there any more...... :d :d :d :d :d :d :d :d

Cheers - Phil


Set your updates to manual and do not update the Windows 10 one.
My Ego forbids a signature.


I'll leave it on auto, Jim.......Now I know which is the update to knock out when I spot it. ;)

I WAS expecting to have to uninstall KB3035583 almost every day...Or, at least once a week.....But it's been a fortnight since the last time....And it now takes me less than a minute to get to the update and get it to 'go away'.

Cheers - Phil

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

So elderly Welshmen can learn new tricks.....
Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021


Ho ! Yus !

Especially with scalpels.  ;)

Cheers - Phil (I still hate computers, though.)


"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

"Take that Microsoft!" - Techno

"What have I unleashed?" - GrumpyOldMan


They've tried once more (in fact, they sneaked the KB3035583 'update' in a few days ago...on it s own...without the 'Shut down and update 'hint' ...I missed it.
Spotted it in the updates, a few minutes ago

Uninstalled AGAIN........I'm not playing 'beta testing' for them again..

Cheers - Phil


Rewriting the dictionary every time you chip away a bit a good constitution is the real secret of preserving liberty.
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


27 April 2016, 07:43:57 AM #38 Last Edit: 27 April 2016, 07:48:02 AM by Luddite
It's "Francis" so fair warning - SERIOUSLY not safe for work.

"Windows 10 IS a virus!!"

"It is by tea alone i set my mind in motion.  It is by the juice of Typhoo my thoughs acquire speed the teeth acquire stains, the stains serve as a warning.  It is by tea alone i set my mind in motion."

"The secret we should never let the gamemasters know is that they don't need any rules." - Gary Gygax
"Maybe emu trampling created the desert?" - FierceKitty

2012 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!

"I have become inappropriately excited by the thought of a compendium of OOBs." FSN


I'll let someone else look and comment first, then.  ;)
Cheers - Phil


Quote from: Techno on 27 April 2016, 07:46:33 AM
I'll let someone else look and comment first, then.  ;)
Cheers - Phil
In an F'ing nutshell he F'ing doesn't like F'ing Windows 10 and that is the F'ing truth!
So basically he agrees with Techno.
Encumbered by Idjits, we pressed on


He gets even madder than I did.  X_X

(He presumably didn't know which update to keep kicking off his PC.)

I shall go and have another check NOW..... :d :d :d :d

I assume when it's no longer a free upgrade, (when does it stop being free ?)...They'll stop trying. (I hope)

Cheers - Phil


It'll step being a free upgrade when your present operating system has the plug very firmly pulled on it. 
Lord Oik of Runcorn (You may refer to me as Milord Oik)

Oik of the Year 2013, 2014; Prize for originality and 'having a go, bless him', 2015
3 votes in the 2016 Painting Competition!; 2017-2019 The Wilderness years
Oik of the Year 2020; 7 votes in the 2021 Painting Competition
11 votes in the 2022 Painting Competition (Double figures!)
2023 - the year of Gerald:
2024 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


My laptop at home occasionally has the 'Schedule your Free Upgrade' window appear but I just keep closing it.  I'm hoping that ignoring it completely will get me past the 'free' date cutoff and then they'll stop forcing it on me. - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


Just keep an eye on installed updates, Leon.

I get to those through 'Control Panel'....Check on programs and features.....Tapping on 'View installed updates'......Then look for update KB 3035583.

If it's there, it'll probably be near the top of the list, date wise. (This is assuming that you've never seen the chilling words "We're going to update you to Windows 10 in 'X' hours/ you want to reschedule ?"......The first time when that happened for me. I could delay it by around a week.....Now, if I don't spot it early, there's a countdown of about an hour.

Simply check KB 3035583....That should give an option to 'uninstall'.....Click that, and it takes a minute or two to remove it.......Until the next time you get more updates coming through when you shut down the PC.....That's my  definite cue to go and look for the sodding thing again.  ;)......And uninstall it once more.

Cheers - Phil