If I disappear tomorrow...

Started by Techno, 09 March 2016, 10:16:05 PM

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Last Hussar

I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain why you are wrong.

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little."
Franklin D. Roosevelt

GNU PTerry


Awwwwwwwwww.  X_X

Windows 10 has changed something.
Uh-Oh  :-S :-S :-S......(When something 'new' pooped up when I plugged the camera into the machine......"Oooh which one shall I choose...That one looks the right one.")
Took mere moments to go with the new system of transferring photos from the camera to the PC......(So far, so good  :))

But ages to find out where the bloody things had gone.  =)

I'm sure it said they were going into 'My Pictures'...But I couldn't find the damn things there.
Found them in the end, and then moved them by a very convoluted set of steps.

Sure it'll actually be oodles quicker once I've got used to it.

I'll have a play with that app at the weekend.

Cheers - Techno(phobe).

Last Hussar

You may have a OneDrive account now - they could be in there.  Don't take any more naked selfies though.
I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain why you are wrong.

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little."
Franklin D. Roosevelt

GNU PTerry


I'm pretty sure I spotted a One Drive with a 'My Pictures' in Windows 8 when I was backing up all the photos, the other day....and wondered what that was......'Cos the piccies in there  weren't the 'whole set'.

Again, pretty sure that I've seen a One Drive on this new system....I'll go and have a look.

Ta, LH.

Cheers - Phil


I ended up liking OneDrive. I jump back and forth from iPhone, iPad, and Windows desktop and it is very useful for working on the same document in different locations and, obviously, transferring picture OR simply leaving them on OneDrive. There were initially problems with getting everything to sync immediately (or even in the same day!) but the various patches and app upgrades seem to have this problem licked (mostly).

Also REALLY like OneNote. First time ever I've been able to keep by near constant note-taking straight over multiple devices.

And no, I am not now or never have been an employee of Microsoft  :). Came out of the BSD/SCO UNIX - HP/UX world.
Encumbered by Idjits, we pressed on


I'm sure it's a very useful facility in those circumstances, Guy.  :)

But as I don't have any other devices that can make use of it, (currently,) it's just an extra, spurious app for me.  ;D ;D ;D

Cheers - Phil


Quote from: GrumpyOldMan on 10 March 2016, 10:23:01 PMEver since the little white window icon appeared on my machine, luring me with a promise to upgrade to Windows 10, my Windows 7 network , which has worked ok for the last 5 years (let's face it, Windows network are never great) has been falling over every second day with exotic reasons -  :-\ :-\ :-\.

Funny how that always happens isn't it?
Well that went down like a lead baboon......

O.P.E (Oik of the Pendraken Empire) - 2015 Honours List.

Last Hussar


A couple of weeks in...

It does things a bit different.  So my word/excel no longer appear to come with a fly-out jump list (see below)
The 'Most Used' plainly weren't.

Pinned major programmes (Word/Excel/Outlook etc) to Start.  Just found if you right click these tiles you get the 'Jump' list.
Most used now appear to be recent programmes that are not already pinned

You can Pin the most used to Start - the tile lay out means more room- you have to drag them to the correct position though, which can be a bit like chasing a rat

You can pin OneDrive, and Dropbox but not Google Drive

Seems to start a lot faster - I did read it was designed to be a lot resource lighter.

Like the new App store - similar to Android and Apple app stores - seriously tempted by Catan and Carcassonne!

I have Office 13, so the continuity is nice - and that design continues across platforms for Office: Didn't like the 'Flat' look initially, but works with the Tablet.

Don't have a decent mic for Cortana, so can't comment.

Not keen on way Edge handles favourites - needs to return to the Windows file browser system  Also Hard to edit

Desktop personalisation better - easier to co-ordinate, if that is your thing.
I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain why you are wrong.

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little."
Franklin D. Roosevelt

GNU PTerry


Something 'new' this morning ! X_X  =)

I don't think I've used the the Windows button (very bottom left hand corner on the taskbar) myself for at least the past couple of days...(that was when I was trying to find some photo's) ......But I'm guessing that Mrs T used it, to get at her Hotmail a/c, last night.

Anyway......This morning when I went to have a look....(I want to take some piccies later)....and clicked on the button....Bog all happened, apart from the logo going a yukky green.
(I thought it went blue previously.)....and that was it. (Basically, no apps menu appears.)

I seem to be able to right click and get a menu up, though.

Any ideas, or will I have to go and see my friend Clive at his shop in Cardigan ?

Cheers - Phil (I have shut down and restarted, but that hasn't had any effect.)

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Polish the beads and wire ?

LOng time ago I changed the display on a 386 to yukky green - never did figure how I did that.

Have a look in the display section of the control panel - rt click its about a 1/3rd of the way up the "drop down" (actually up) that appears.

IanS  ;)
Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021


Sadly, Ian.  :(

The 'side panel' steadfastly refuses to appear as well. ....But thanks for the thought, anyway.

I'll see if I can get at it another way...But the search facility is awol, at the mo'....So I'm struggling, a bit. (A lot really.)  ~X( ~X( ~X(

Cheers - Phil.


Quote from: Techno on 18 March 2016, 08:34:07 AM
The 'side panel' steadfastly refuses to appear as well. ....But thanks for the thought, anyway.

From a gander round helpful sites.....I'm not even sure that Windows 10 HAS a 'side panel', anymore (?).
Can't say that I've ever tried to use it since '10' arrived....So I can't be sure.

The lass in the computer shop tried to give me a possible short cut to try and fix things......Got half way through that (once home).....But then couldn't find the next screen to do the last half of the gubbins......Gave up. So I don't know whether it would have fixed the problem.

Took a photo of the Aztecs, I wanted to send to Leon today.
Well, that loaded onto the PC......'Cos the app (?) temporarily came up......But after that I can't get at, it or find it anywhere.

Industrial language time !!!!  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

Just have to wait until Matey comes round next week.  X_X

Cheers - Mr Completely Teed-Off.

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Ok - try searching in the "Search the web and Windows" box. You saying the windows button on the extreme left - white on grey anit there ?

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021


It's the one in the very bottom, left hand corner Ian. (On the taskbar.)

Yes....It's there......If I clicked on it before, the symbol went from white/light gray to blue, and a quarter (?) of a page window came up with the apps....or a list of the apps, which I could scroll down.
Now, basically.....Nothing happens at all....
Except that the icon changes to a yukky green colour and sits there mocking me.  ;)

I can right click on the icon and get a list of commands.....But if I try the 'search' one....There's nothing more that happens.

Cheers - Phil


Windows 10?

This happened to me. I googled the response, fixed it. Switched off pc then next time I switched on... button disappeared again.
Lord Oik of Runcorn (You may refer to me as Milord Oik)

Oik of the Year 2013, 2014; Prize for originality and 'having a go, bless him', 2015
3 votes in the 2016 Painting Competition!; 2017-2019 The Wilderness years
Oik of the Year 2020; 7 votes in the 2021 Painting Competition
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