If I disappear tomorrow...

Started by Techno, 09 March 2016, 10:16:05 PM

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It's because Windows seems to have arbitrarily decided to upgrade me to Windows 10 in the next few hours....I don't appear to have a choice....I didn't ask it to do this !
It works now.....I'd rather leave it as it is.  X_X

Better back up some bits and bobs, now !

Hopefully see you in the morning.

Cheers - Phil.


There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data


They keep trying to make me upgrade as well but I don't trust it, I've heard conflicting reports on so far.  Our eldest has got it on his computer and seems to find it OK, but I'm wary.
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My wife has it on her work laptops (at work we are still firmly on Windows 7) as with most Windows updates the biggest problem is finding all the stuff that you used to know where it was, but now is somewhere else, or called something else.

As with any new OS its likely to want more resources from your PC, so make sure that you have enough RAM and that your processor is good enough to deal with all the new bits and pieces that will be switched on automatically.
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Quote from: Techno on 09 March 2016, 10:16:05 PM
It's because Windows seems to have arbitrarily decided to upgrade me to Windows 10 in the next few hours....I don't appear to have a choice....I didn't ask it to do this !

I did one of my computers a few weeks ago, it went on OK.

I'm having my other one done tomorrow as soon as I switch it on.
My Ego forbids a signature.


I am generally pretty negative about Windows "upgrades" (I was forced to leave XP behind kicking and screaming)  but the migration to 10 went well - in fact very well. Went from 7 (which is pretty good) to 10 about 5 months ago and have not missed a beat. I did have to upgrade my PaintShop Pro to 64bit to get it to work (did that before the switch to 10). It actually didn't move any of my stuff around and the interface changes, I thought, were pretty gentle. Of course on 10 you have no control over updates!

I'm betting we'll see you tomorrow  :)
OK not "see" unless Win10 takes control of your webcam
Encumbered by Idjits, we pressed on


It all seems to have gone smoothly.

I just seem to have lost the free c-cleaner facility, which is probably my fault, for not updating it.
What's its proper name again, Mike ? (Or is it the above ?)
I'll download it later.

Looks almost identical to Windows 8, at a first glance...Norton seems to be working, which was one of my worries......And best of all the Hoyle's card games seems to be compatible. :)

Gotta check I haven't lost my piccies...(I backed those up, last night)....And all my iTunes are still there.....(Don't fancy loading all those songs again.)
Live mail doesn't appear to have changed...(Goody !)

Only thing that is noticeable on the task bar is "Cortana"......Can't see me bothering with that much. :P......And I don't have a webcam, Guy.  ;D ;D

Cheers - Phil

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

One of my 2 laptops wont upgrade, cause it wont load the last version of IE. The other did arbitrarily about 6 months ago, it works ok, but Yahoo mail is a bit odd, sometimes wont let me compose or send email's. Mind you if I use Chrome it occasionally eats all the CPU. Firefox works fine !

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
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I lied (apparently).

The apps page is nothing like it was before (at present)......Just a small Window at the moment......probably need to do something to set that up  and get that back to 'normality'.
That's going to annoy Mrs T when she tries to look at her hotmail addy in a while.  X_X

I'm going to pop into the PC shop in Cardigan, and have a quick word with them, after I've done a quick 'shop' in town.

Cheers - Phil (Who barely uses apps...apart from the calculator every so often.)

old smokie

also an easy to use tool is the GWX Control Panel, used it and had no problems



There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data


10 March 2016, 11:52:16 AM #12 Last Edit: 11 March 2016, 06:07:41 AM by Techno
Thanks Mike !

I'll get that re-installed.

Biggest problem is the same one we had with Windows 8......'Syncing' emails.
I can access my 'normal' addy through Live Mail, perfectly....Never put that addy 'into' the mail app.....It's the PC's default, though.

Mrs T used to be able to get to her Hotmail emails by just clicking on the mail app......But that's been a complete and utter pain in the bottom......We seem to have made some progress, in resetting it...(Took AGES) ........But it still doesn't want to play properly.....So she's having to go in through the browser, at the mo'.

Maybe it's because my 'emergency' Hotmail addy needs changing, as well...Think that's likely.

I also seem to need to upgrade (?) a driver...whatever that is.

It'll get sorted. (We'll probably end up buying 'Windows 10 for complete thickies', before I call my friend Clive out to help.)

Cheers - A somewhat peed off Phil.


Quote from: jimduncanuk on 10 March 2016, 12:15:10 AM

I'm having my other one done tomorrow as soon as I switch it on.

Loaded Windows 10 onto my older computer today.

Took a couple of hours and seemed to be OK

Got a 'no signal' problem running an old game after a few minutes, had to reboot. It happened again.

Updated the graphics driver, no change.

Got same problem running a short video in Windows.

Tried to update monitor driver but it found nothing new.

Still crashing.

Lost sound on my headphones, still investigating.

I may well go back to Windows 7, have to go within 1 month or lose opportunity.

I really need a new machine anyway. Oh well.
My Ego forbids a signature.


I had a play for half an hour after finishing pushing putty this afto'

Now got it working to 99% to what it was before...And the other 1% is NOT in the slightest bit important.
ME....I got the emails to sync.. :> :> :>...That really was the hardest part...... to give the better half easy access to her Hotmail addy....The instructions (to a pair of numptys like us) were very user unfriendly)...But it's done now.  :) :-bd :-bd :-bd :-bd

Cheers - Phil.