Belt Fed Girl - 'Old West' Gunfighter With Two Pistols - By Colonel Bills

Started by Roy, 01 February 2016, 10:52:41 AM

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Here's my version of "BFG16 - Calamity Jane - Wild West Legend" which I've painted to use with my Dead Man's Hand Desperado Gang.

I kept the 'conversion' simple - a straight forward paint job over the bared torso. I didn't alter the stock figure in anyway, then people can see how simple it is to alter the bare-breasted figure, if they prefer.

I've one last figure to paint for the gang, then I'll take a group shot - and then people can see how the Belt Fed Girl sizes up alongside a Great Escape, Artizan, Ironclad and several Foundry figures.

Rimmer: "Aliens."

Lister: "Oh God, aliens... Your explanation for anything slightly peculiar is aliens, isn't it?

Rimmer: "Well, we didn't use it all, Lister. Who did?"

Lister: "Rimmer, aliens used our bog roll?"


Shouldnt she be on the Top Totty thread? :)
Very nice ly painted Roy.
'If I throw a six I'll do my happy dance'!

2016 Painting Competition - People's Choice!


Very good job, Roy.....Most impressed.

The only thing I don't quite understand is the 'collar'.
Did you not add a bit of putty for that ?

Cheers - Phil


Thank you all  :)

Quote from: Techno on 01 February 2016, 12:22:04 PM
The only thing I don't quite understand is the 'collar'.
Did you not add a bit of putty for that ?

The original sculpt features raised collar bones, so I simply utilised them to make a collar.

Here's the photo of the original paint job that Colonel Bills uses from their website. [I don't know who painted the miniature.]

I'll admit that my solution isn't perfect, but its got the job done - Though, whatever it is I've painted (I'm not quite sure, except its clothing) isn't historically accurate [I've already been told, by The Internet].

The argument over clothed or unclothed is something that Stuart (Col. Bill) and I were discussing the other day, but he says that 'topless' female miniatures sell better than clothed. So its a case of economics. 
Rimmer: "Aliens."

Lister: "Oh God, aliens... Your explanation for anything slightly peculiar is aliens, isn't it?

Rimmer: "Well, we didn't use it all, Lister. Who did?"

Lister: "Rimmer, aliens used our bog roll?"

Duke Speedy of Leighton

You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


That is very odd.  :)

In your clothed version, Roy....The 'collar' looks too high to be raised collar bones. (To me)
But in the 'firm's' topless version...They look absolutely fine as collar bones.

Oooer !

Cheers - Mr Rubbish Eyesight of Wales.


Quote from: Techno on 01 February 2016, 02:41:01 PM

In your clothed version, Roy....The 'collar' looks too high to be raised collar bones. (To me)
But in the 'firm's' topless version...They look absolutely fine as collar bones.

I hadn't actually noticed the collar bones until you mentioned them  :D
Encumbered by Idjits, we pressed on


As a figure I prefer Artizan's rather less pneumatic Eliza Stone to this one.

But as a paint job that's great!
There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data


Quote from: Ithoriel on 01 February 2016, 03:03:11 PM
As a figure I prefer Artizan's rather less pneumatic Eliza Stone to this one.

That's the last figure I've got to paint for my gang. There's the five seen below, the model from this topic, and Eliza Stone.

A leader with pistol. A gunfighter with two pistols. Three with pistols. A shotgun. A rifle.

Rimmer: "Aliens."

Lister: "Oh God, aliens... Your explanation for anything slightly peculiar is aliens, isn't it?

Rimmer: "Well, we didn't use it all, Lister. Who did?"

Lister: "Rimmer, aliens used our bog roll?"



The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!


Quote from: Leman on 01 February 2016, 05:05:34 PM
Looks a well-fed girl to me.

Aye, "She wouldn't fall on her face if she fell over" as my old mother would say.

Personally, I reckon the company who cast the figure added a bit onto the proportions while they had it. Leon...?!  ;)
Rimmer: "Aliens."

Lister: "Oh God, aliens... Your explanation for anything slightly peculiar is aliens, isn't it?

Rimmer: "Well, we didn't use it all, Lister. Who did?"

Lister: "Rimmer, aliens used our bog roll?"


Quote from: mad lemmey on 01 February 2016, 02:02:18 PM
I prefer the dressed version!

Me too.

Never quite understood the half naked models anyway. Whats the use?  (to each his own, just my opinion)


In the case of the Belt Fed Girls range, I don't think they were ever meant as wargaming figures. I may be wrong though.

My view on nudity on (female) miniatures goes something like this.
Naked, or semi-naked Ancients (where there was historical president) you can't really argue with. [Fantasy, Amazon -types is open for debate]
Figures depicting civilians flashing the flesh, due to their profession (ie. prostitution), again, fair enough. But I strongly doubt they would be fully-nude.
Harem concubines, or those held as Slaves (the Slave Trade/Viking raid etc.), again, historical precedent allows it. But you've got to keep it tasteful, and be conscious of public feeling.  
Anything else is just gratuitous and unnecessary from the point of collecting for gaming purposes.

I do own several more of the Belt Fed figures, but I can't see me using them to game with. I'll probably paint them up and sell them on. I've done that in the past, painted topless or x-rated stuff and sold them, used the money to finance something else. They're okay for sitting on a shelf in a man-cave or the like.

Rimmer: "Aliens."

Lister: "Oh God, aliens... Your explanation for anything slightly peculiar is aliens, isn't it?

Rimmer: "Well, we didn't use it all, Lister. Who did?"

Lister: "Rimmer, aliens used our bog roll?"