The Mummy / Pulp-era / Egyptology Dungeoneering

Started by nikharwood, 07 September 2010, 06:01:04 PM

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07 September 2010, 06:01:04 PM Last Edit: 07 September 2010, 06:34:37 PM by nikharwood
OK - so my 'secret' annual project (I usually do one of these a year!) is out of the bag...

As soon as I saw pics of the Dungeon Set I knew that I wanted to do something different with it; my favourite memory of old school D&D is B4 The Lost City, so that, coupled with a re-watch of all The Mummy films a few weeks ago made my decision easy  :)

I've gone through the Pendraken catalogue and listed some codes which I think would be useful - not an exhaustive list but a WIP one (feel free to add suggestions etc).

One of my ideas is to have a long table - with FFL defending their position in front of the tomb from the Medjai...there's an attack which leads to the tomb-exploration...which resurrects the mummy who then calls his guard back to life who then chase the explorers from the tomb...they go back outside & reassemble for a finale with the resurrected armies of the dead...there's a biplane support as well...

You really do need to watch the film again - then [some of] this will make sense!!!

So you start with a bit of a massed battle in the desert - drop to individual skirmishing - and then return for an almighty scrap :-)

I've just picked up The Mummy 3 on DVD and will rewatch as there's more ideas in that well as thinking more on Indiana Jones [good excuse for some DAK], Hellboy and others including forays into Steampunk / Victorian Scifi (League of Extraordinary Gentleman, Van Helsing etc)

Anyway - some codes, these for The Mummy [in no particular order]:

ZC11 Bell Tents

BW3 Boer foot 1
BW4 Boer foot 2, kneeling, prone
BW31 Block House Earthen Roof
BW32 Block House Stone Outer Wall
Various elements of the armoured train!

SC2 Dismounted Camel Corp
SC4 Egyptian Infantry
SC5 Mahdists, shaven head
SC6 Fuzzy Wuzzy
SC7 Turbaned Tribesmen
SC9 River gun boat, paddle steamer
SC13 Arab Civilians
SC14 Pack Camels
SC16 Sitting camels, riderless

ME17 Model T Ford
ME21 Open Tourer
ME24 Turkish Arab Legion Infantry
ME26 Sharifian Regular Cavalry [for the Magi]
ME32 Bristol Fighter Aircraft

WW1 Despatch Rider Leather Coat & Flying Goggles

FLL2 French Foreign Legion Standing Firing
FLL3 French Foreign Legion Kneeling Firing
FLL 4 French Foreign Legion Officers

Various SCW codes including Militia / Andalucian etc...need to think more on these as a lot of them are useable

FEY1 Anubis Troops w/ Sword
FEY2 Anubis Troops w/ Spear
FEY3 Pharoah's Undead Tomb Guard

AC4 Zombie rising from grave
AC15 Spiders
AC23 Crucified Mummy
AC24 Ghouls Mixed
AC29 Water Element
AC30 Fire Element

FU5 Command
FU12 Mummies
FU13 Vampires
FU14 Wraiths / Spirits
FU15 Zombie Wizards
FU16 Zombies Mixed
FU26 Undead Hero

DN15 Water Pool
DN16 Well
DN19 Stone Altar
DN21 Crates [skulls]
DN32 Coffins
DN51 Remains & Bones

FR15 Ratmen Airboat [for the dirigible from The Mummy 2]

SVE1 British Corvette

There are key things that I have no idea where to start -or even if there are suitable figures..!
- all the key heroes & anti-heroes...although these could be reasonably suggested by paintjob
- scarab swarms
- pygmies [zombies!]

So there's s start...Steampunk is a whole-other list I'm working on which includes some *******isation of vehicles etc...mad fecking eeyjit that I am  =P~ 8-}


"mad fecking eeyjit that I am"

You said it - and we wouldn't have you any other way... :D

Loving the work you've done on this by the way (you wicked temptress you :d What % commission are you on?) 
I don't think my wife likes me very much, when I had a heart attack she wrote for an ambulance.

Frank Carson


Ah - that'd be telling  ;) =O

Glad I'm tempting you here though nosher - you know you need more 10mm loveliness to make your life complete, right?  m/



08 September 2010, 07:08:37 AM #4 Last Edit: 08 September 2010, 07:10:36 AM by sixsideddice
God Nik, you are amazing... THIS is the thread i`ve been waiting for all my life I think.

Your list alone will really help me put togerther something useful for my own simple endeavours.

As for your 40 minute dungeon... WOW.

Again.... WOW

To Add (not a great film, but I like it) Tomb Raider 2 has some truly great dungeon scenes in it and along the same `Dungeon and Pulpy` themes we`re talking about too.

I`ve got the rest of your film list on DVD already; um....National Treasure 1 and 2 might be useful too, especially the second one.


For the pulpy feel, even though not being really egytian-centered, I would add the scene from "Conan the barbarian" where he and his buddies pay a visit into the Thulsa Doom temple. With Doom's snake pet and the bunch of half naked ladies. This way, you would have to add some "AC2 Helpless Maidens" to your list Nik. You always need helpless maidens to rescue when you want to do some pulpy dungeon exploration !
The only question remaining is: are the Pendraken maidens "half naked" ?  :P


Sometimes I wonder - why is that frisbee geting bigger - and then it hits me!


I really like the Pulp/Dungeon theme - something like Indiana Jones, Tomb Raider or The Mummy would be great.

I guess the existing Dungeon rules wouldn't need much tweaking to include a few simple firearms?


I guess the dungeon idea will go along with my darkest africa/dino hunting idea  :D :D :D
Sometimes I wonder - why is that frisbee geting bigger - and then it hits me!


Quote from: Cyril on 08 September 2010, 09:18:53 AM
The only question remaining is: are the Pendraken maidens "half naked" ?  :P

Nah - there's another remaining question: which half is naked  :d =O

Some good suggestions here folks - and reminders of films I need to drag out of the DVD collection!


I think the next 'trick' with this is to start identifying what could / should be gamed here...I'd like to focus [to start with] on The Mummy films and think of the set-pieces that warrant some dice chucked at them....I'm going to think more on this over the next couple of days...if anyone's got thoughts / suggestions I'd be pleased to hear them!


charge of the Bedouin at the start at HAmunaptra for starters.
Sometimes I wonder - why is that frisbee geting bigger - and then it hits me!


Oh most definitely - I refer the learned gentleman to my earlier statement:

QuoteOne of my ideas is to have a long table - with FFL defending their position in front of the tomb from the Medjai...there's an attack which leads to the tomb-exploration...which resurrects the mummy who then calls his guard back to life who then chase the explorers from the tomb...they go back outside & reassemble for a finale with the resurrected armies of the dead...there's a biplane support as well...

What better excuse to paint up a load of FFL, eh?  8)


I read it but I wanted it to be my idea.... ;D ;D ;D teach me to skim read lol :-[
Sometimes I wonder - why is that frisbee geting bigger - and then it hits me!


12 September 2010, 10:35:03 AM #14 Last Edit: 12 September 2010, 11:53:39 AM by sixsideddice
I guess the existing Dungeon rules wouldn't need much tweaking to include a few simple firearms?


Off the top of my head (took me 40 seconds to come up with this).

Black Powder Musket
5-10 (5 attack dice: range 10 squares)
-2 from enemy target armour on the “Kill roll”  if 4 squares or less away.
-1 from target armour (over 4 squares away)    

If the shooter rolls 3 6`s - the weapon misfires: ignore all dice attacks for this weapon on this move.

If shooter rolls 4 6`s â€" the weapon misfires and explodes: shooter takes 1D6-1 automatic damage.

Throw a 2D6 each move the weapon is fired: if the roll yields a 2, 11 or 12, the DM may roll once on the wandering monster table - noise attracts unwanted guest(s).

Six  ;)