10mm figures for SAGA - advice sought

Started by NeilCFord, 07 January 2016, 12:50:25 PM

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So as well as contemplating SAGA Crescent and Cross, I'm looking at regular SAGA in 10mm. Obviously I'd like, where possible, source my figures from our good hosts. So far this is what I've come up with to replicate the Gripping Beast 4 point starter warbands:

Warlord - AS1 Foot command
4 Huscarls (Axes) (Hearthguard) - AS2 Huscarls
4 Huscarls (Spears) (Hearthguard) - AS2 Huscarls
16 Ceorls (Warriors) - AS4 Great Fyrd??

Mounted Warlord - N10 General with mace
8 Mounted Milites (Hearthguard) N9 Medium cavalry spear kite shield or N7/8 Armoured cavalry spear kite shield??
8 Crossbowmen (Warriors) - N6 Light crossbow
12 Archers (Levy) - N5 Light archer

Warlord - NO3 Command
4 Hirdmen (Hearthguard) - NO4 Hirdmen
4 Berserkers (Hearthguard) - NO5 - Berserkers
16 Bondi (Warriors) - NO1 Bondi

Welsh - maybe use Picts??
4 Teulu (Hearthguard)
16 Priodaur (Warriors)
12 Bonnedig (Levy)

Anyone care to weigh in on whether I'm spot on or wide of the mark? In a couple of places I'm not sure of the choices available.

This of course pre-supposes Leon being happy to fill a fiddly order for odd quantities of figures. I wouldn't blame him if he told me where to go.

As always, thanks in advance for any and all replies.

- Neil.


Your list is similar to mine, Normans can be used for Franks and Breton's too.



The Saxon militia ARL16 (Late Romans) are great for ceorls.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!


Quote from: ciaphas on 07 January 2016, 01:04:23 PM
Your list is similar to mine, Normans can be used for Franks and Breton's too.


Thank you, that's useful information.

- Neil.


Quote from: Leman on 07 January 2016, 04:14:15 PM
The Saxon militia ARL16 (Late Romans) are great for ceorls.

And this is why I ask these questions, because I would never have thought to look there for suitable figures.

Thank you.

- Neil.


How are you thinking of basing?

I was thinking of doing crescent and cross in 10mm, and was thinking 25mm round bases for infantry with a few figures on, and 40mm round bases for cavalry, again with a few figures on.

This seemed a way of getting the mass effect of 10mm, while keeping pretty close to the 28mm base sizes of the rules.
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I'm actually thinking of individual basing on 15mm circular for foot, with Warlords on 20mm. Reduce all measurements by 2.5 and you get 20mm, 40mm, 60mm and 120mm respectively. Was going to ask Leon if he could knock out some custom measuring sticks similar to the ones he did for me before.

- Neil.


I would find 10mm individually based figures very fiddly. I decided to do Dux Britanniarum using 10mm figures on 28mm bases, treating them as elements. I use pennies for infantry and tuppences (I am old) for command and cavalry:

Top photo also shows a warband, not in shieldwall, in a Warbases skirmish base. 
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!


I can understand people finding individually based 10mm figures fiddly, but to me, skirmish games mean individual figures. I could multi base and use dice to mark casualties, but it just wouldn't feel the same.

At the end of the day, as long as the person playing with the finished figures is happy, that is all that matters.

- Neil.


Quote from: NeilCFord on 07 January 2016, 07:07:53 PM
At the end of the day, as long as the person playing with the finished figures is happy, that is all that matters.

Absolutely !

With multi-basing for skirmish games - I (and I think the others) are suggesting that one base of 10mm figures functions in the rules as a single 28mm figure, i.e. it is the bases that you are counting, not the number of figures.

This way your 8 base Saga Warrior unit has around 30 10mm figures, rather than just 8 28mm figures
2011 Painting Competition - Winner!
2012 Painting Competition - 2 x Runner-Up
2016 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2017 Paint-Off - 3 x Winner!

My wife's creations: Jewellery and decorations with sparkle and shine at http://www.Etsy.com/uk/shop/ISCHIOCrafts


Well using individually based 10mm for skirmish games won't cost much. I liked the concepts behind Dux Britanniarum but wanted units that looked like units.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!