AWI vs SYW - How (in)Compatible?

Started by lentulus, 07 September 2010, 12:37:47 PM

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I've gathered from other posts that these two lines are not "same unit" or "side by side" by compatible, but how different are they?  Would they look odd on the same table?

Anyone got a side-by-side pic?

In addition to the generals, I am thinking of some of the light infantry for one of my imagi-nations and some of the militia for, well, militia.


They are not compatible. AWI figures are closer to 12mm.
You cannot mix them in one unit (I tried to use AWI officers on SYW and WSS).
But on the table ? I think its possible.

wargaming in 10mm

2015 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


I have just recieved and order of the new AWI mounted officers. I also bought a pack of the SYW English mounted officers. There is a significant difference in size, and unfortunately I will not be using the SYW pack to bolster my AWI mounted command.

I have used the Woodland indians, again not as bulky as the AWI range, put as there is no alternative and they are all in one unit(s), it doesn't bother me too much. I cannot see the Indians being redesigned in the near future .


The AWI weren't done with a view to compatibility with the SYW, hence the AWI range has its own Germans, rather than borrowing SYW Prussians wich wouldn't fit that well.

Depends how fussy you are, I wouldn't put them in the same unit, but they might work in separate units (again I'd be too fussy to do that!).


Hi  all  i have a question i love the AWI figures is it possable to use them for the SYW if so which would you use for which nation ie can you use the French AWI for French SYW,British AWI for  British SYW ect?      Alan Millington


To be honest I'd say neither the AWI British or French would fit for the SYW, their uniforms had changed too much, but again it depends on how fussy you are about the details. A big difference would be the British grenadiers wearing cloth mitres in the 1750s and fur ones in the 1770s. Plus you wouldn't have cavalry for your SYW armies.
Arguably the AWI Hessians could be used for various SYW German or Prussian troops as they didn't change much, but again you'd have no cavalry.

Pendraken have a perfectly good and comprehensive SYW range anyway, I imagine you'd find nearly everything you need in it.


Hi all   thanks for your help     Alan Millington