Something Rotten in Cronistria

Started by bigjackmac, 14 December 2015, 11:54:14 PM

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Thanks again Phil!

Lemmey - It would be, but nah, I'm trying to close out Cronistria.

Toxic Pixie - There you are, been awhile man!  It certainly was nasty, but lots of fun.

Last one coming up soon.



Hi Jack,

Yes, I seem to have missed a chunk of fighting there :D

Still, all looks good fun, for a fairly unpleasant for most of the figures value of fun!
I provide a cheap, quick painting service to get you table top quality figures ready to roll -



No sweat man, better late than never, and good to see ya!

And don't worry, the little guys are tougher than they look ;)




AKA The reduction of Dubrovna, Fight #6

It's 1135 on 2 July 1990 and Battlegroup Elias is on the verge of completing its mission to take the Cronistrian town of Dubrovna.  1st Platoon  had made the initial breach into the city, and 2nd Platoon expanded it, with heavy fighting to take the 'Old Town' portion of the city.  3rd Platoon passed through them, clearing the balance of Dubrovna.  3rd Platoon finds the going easy, particularly as they're able to make use of a couple AMX-10RCs in the wider boulevards of the newer sections of town.  A couple 105mm rounds into a building makes believers rather quickly, so 3rd Platoon found itself primarily responsible for searching prisoners and shuttling them to the rear.  However, as they reached the edge of town the AMXs were called off to deal with some enemy armor spotted to the south, and the Platoon Commander heard a flurry of rifle shots up ahead, from the area of 3rd Squad, the platoon's point element.  Seems there were a few hardliners holed up in an old, bombed out industrial plant.

Overview of table, north is up.  The factory is in the southwest outskirts of town, with a tree-lined road leading to it, and open fields to the far side (which is perhaps why the bad guys chose to make their stand here, there was nowhere else to go).  The Cubans will start the fight on the right side of the factory, the Communists on the left.

This is my brand spankin' new piece of terrain from Novus design, and it's fantastic.  It took me a full day to paint and wash, but it looks great and I'm happy to have it.  I have another large piece like this from Novus, but so far I've only found time to prime it.  Lotta work ahead of me still.

The action is up close and deadly.  To see how the fight went, please check the blog at:

Mopping up operations continued for a couple more hours, but Captain Elias called in to Task Force Galban Headquarters to declare Hill 489 and Dubrovna secured as of 1730 local time on 2 July 1990.  Mission accomplished, lots of fun.  I hope you guys had half as much fun as the boy did.  But it's high time he and I get back to some 'opposed' games, vice 'co-op' games.  He's getting a bit big for his britches, basically declaring after both the last two fights that he did all the work.

I am not exactly sure what we're going to play yet, but the weekend is coming and we'll be playing something, so stay tuned.



Super stuff, Jack.

That ruined factory/warehouse IS a very nice piece of kit....You've done a cracking job on that.
Yep....definitely the time to put that young whippersnapper in his place, if he thinks he's doing all the hard work.  ;) ;D

Cheers - Phil

Duke Speedy of Leighton

Doomed! Rule of Juve- they always win!
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


No gaming this past weekend, it turned into a super painting project.  Not fun, but needed to get done.

The boy's comeuppance will have to wait until next week ;)
