Something Rotten in Cronistria

Started by bigjackmac, 14 December 2015, 11:54:14 PM

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This is the first fight in my next campaign, following the Cuba Libre saga.  The short story is, Cuban exiles evicted the dictator, and now have created an expeditionary force available for worldwide deployment in the defense of freedom and democracy.  You can see the full story here:

So a Special Operations task force is heading to the Balkans to help a fledgling democracy, Cronistria, break away from Yugoslavia.  I will be playing this campaign in 20mm with Elhiem figures, using Ivan (Weasel's) rules, "Five Men in Normandy."

It's 0645 on 5 April 1990, and Task Force Trojas has conducted an administrative move (clandestinely) into northern Italy or Austria (sorry, OPSEC rules prevent us from sharing the exact location ;) ), staged its gear, and is infiltrating by team into Cronistria.  Each team is crossing at a different location, with a different objective rally point and different partisan contact on the other side.  All teams successfully crossed the frontier without incident, until it was GySgt Dos Santos' Team 6-3's turn (if you're wondering why he's a Gunnery Sergeant, it's because in the CLEF, Special Operations come from any of the four branches of service).

Team 6-3 moved to the border, and had just crossed when things started to go wrong, which is why we're here, right?

The opposing forces: at top are the five shooters from Team 6-3, while at bottom are the seven men and one armored personnel carrier of the Cronistrian National Guard.

Overview of the table, north is up.  The table is about 3' x 3', with the frontier wire running north-south) at left.  Team 6-3 will enter at left and must destroy the enemy patrol and/or exit ALL men off the right board edge.  There's a burned out house in the northwest, a small residence in the southeast, several patches of rough, rocky ground, several haystacks (concealment, not cover!), and a couple rocky outcroppings.

The enemy is trying to cut swathes in our line using its APC-mounted MMG.

Just for old time's sake: wouldn't be one of my batreps if I didn't have somebody firing a rocket, would it?  To see how the fight turned out, please check the blog at:

Wow, what a fight!  And what a way to start off the campaign in Cronistria.  The fight was fun, quick, plenty of drama and decision making, and things never go as you planned.  One more fight to write up and post, stay tuned!


Duke Speedy of Leighton

You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner



Well that went down like a lead baboon......

O.P.E (Oik of the Pendraken Empire) - 2015 Honours List.


Thank ya fellas, the next one will be posted as soon as possible, with more fights happening this weekend.



Like I haven't got enough on as it is. I want to play some modern skirmish stuff now!  :-[
Well that went down like a lead baboon......

O.P.E (Oik of the Pendraken Empire) - 2015 Honours List.



Go on then, and be quick about it! ;)

If you play, photo, and post, I promise to read and comment!



Yes, go on !
We want games AND pics !  ;)

Jack, your game reminds me of the video game Operation Flashpoint, or Armed Assault..  :)


See there, Tawa, you're picking up steam!

Ronan - " game Operation Flashpoint, or Armed Assault..."

Is that good or bad? ;)  I hope it was fun to read, that people enjoy the characters, want to see more of them, and get a sense of what the rules will do.



The Mrs says I'm allowed to...... Shhhh! Here she comes!
Well that went down like a lead baboon......

O.P.E (Oik of the Pendraken Empire) - 2015 Honours List.


Excellent then, we'll expect a batrep by Monday! ;)




It's been several days since crossing the frontier, and TF Trojas is looking for action.  It's 1500 on 8 April 1990, and Team 6-4 has been briefed, geared up, and conducted its movement to the objective area.  Lt Trojas was informed by local agents that the leader of a local cell of the Cronistrian People's Army (CPA, the local Communist Militia supporting General Ambroz Zlatan's communist takeover of Cronistria) scheduled a meeting in a farmhouse in the nearby village of Perzezl.  Trojas immediately put Team 6-4 on the task of proceeding to the meeting location and eliminating the CPA cell.  Sergeant First Class "Rooey" Contreras was only too happy; he and his boys were itching for action, and Willow (KIA from Team 6-3) was a friend of his.

The fight is bloody, and we have close combat!  At left is a downed Cuban and a downed bad guy.  To see how the fight went, please check the blog at:

The fight was fantastic, a crazy back and forth that saw the Cubans...  Well, you'll have to check the blog ;)  In any case, that's all the fights so far.  This week I've been painting up some 15mm vehicles and terrain, and this weekend I have a rather ambitious agenda of getting in one fight in South Leon (15mm), and two more fights here in Cronistria (20mm).


Duke Speedy of Leighton

You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


As Mr Burns would say, "Excellent !"
Cheers - Phil


Thanks fellars!

It was a lot of fun; the bad guy almost got away, but the team had done a good job keeping him pinned in the building.  I was sweating it for a moment at the end, but then the CLEF team leader moved up and dropped him.  The CLEF always gets their man! ;)
