Forces for Modern Africa Part 2 - Peter Pig French Foreign Legion

Started by bigjackmac, 21 November 2015, 03:36:24 AM

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Part two of my 15mm troops for Modern Africa leads us to some Peter Pig Modern French, which I've painted up as Legion Etrangere.  I bought four packs of eight figs: one of officers, one of Squad Automatic Weapons (SAWs), one of riflemen in helmets, and one of riflemen in berets.  My force here is 16 troops; I split the overall force down the middle in order to do one in temperate camo and one for the desert (which is not painted yet, still need to get to that).

Here's the whole force: 16 troops, which break down to four guys from each pack.  Four SAWs in 16 troops sounds a bit high, but I'll get over it.  Such is life ordering packs of eight ;) 

You see that I've thrown these guys into camouflage utilities; regretfully I admit I am not happy with my cammie uniforms, but I'm too lazy/busy to go back and re-do them.  I used three colors: a light green, a dark green, and a reddish brown.  It's not that it looks bad, it just doesn't look right for the French cammie uniform.

Two other things: I put helmet covers on about half of the helmeted troops, and, for the first time, I tried using different skin tones.  The African Gov't troops in the last post were dark skinned, but for the French I decided to use three different tones: a bright color for Caucasians, a medium color suitable (I hope) for various Middle Eastern/North African/Asian/Hispanic, and a dark tone for African, all mixed in the same unit.  Nothing ground breaking, but I think it looks good and is pretty cool for representing the Legion.

To see the rest of the pics, please check the blog at:

Anyway, that's my French Foreign Legion troops for temperate climates, two more sets of figures for Modern Africa to go.  Looks like this is another painting weekend; I received my 20mm terrain for Spec Ops in the Balkans, but I haven't received the rest of my troops yet; I don't mean to complain, they're not late, I'm just saying I haven't gotten them yet and they need to be painted and based.  Probably get another game in with my older son though ;)



I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.

Duke Speedy of Leighton

You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


"Beau Geste it ain't any more."
Sorry man, but blue over white with kepis isn't really done anymore ;)

Thanks Lemmey!



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