WW2 Italian Battlegroup: Sicily / mainland '43

Started by nikharwood, 29 August 2010, 01:00:43 PM

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Quote from: Zbigniew on 01 September 2010, 05:28:28 PM
Nikharwood, exellent work you made on painting these vehicles. Could you please share with us the technique you used?

Of course...here you go [& some of my standard techniques are linked from here BTW in handy PDF format: http://nikharwood.pbworks.com/10mm+Painting+ ]

These are Vallejo Game Color references [most of which have GW equivalents].

From spray black undercoat:

Non-camo vehicles:
Basecoat: Yellow Olive
Highlight: Yellow Olive + Khaki: 60:40

Camo - command vehicles:
Basecoat: Desert Yellow
Highlight: Desert Yellow + Khaki 60:40
Camo: Yellow Olive stripes

Camo vehicles
Basecoat: Desert Yellow
Highlight: Desert Yellow + Khaki 60:40
Camo: Yellow Olive splotch stippled
Camo: Beasty Brown + Dark Fleshtone 70:30 splotch stippled

All tracks:
Basecoat: Black
Highlight: Cold Grey

Wash everything with thinned Devlan Mud + Water 50:50
Final featherlight drybrush highlight: Khaki

Then do bases - and purposely hit the lower portions of the vehicles with these colours to weather:
Wetbrush: Charred Brown
Overbrush: Beasty Brown
Overbrush / stipple: Leather Brown
Drybrush / stipple: Plague Brown
Drybrush [light]: Bone White

Where I cut some corners here was on the camo: normally I would paint the camo colours on & then highlight inside the patterns with a further lightened highlight...looks great but takes time & I wanted to see how quickly I could do these  ;) :D

Hope that helps!


Quote from: 17-21l on 01 September 2010, 08:26:50 PM
Great work Nik, nice to see Italians and not hoards of Konig Tigers and Panthers, nice difference on the table, and very nicely painted too. Cheers

Thanks  8) I must admit that I do own two Tiger Is & 3 Panthers - but they hardly ever see action...I much prefer my STUGs & PZ I / II / III / IVs  8)


Thank you Nik! I saved the copy of your vehicle painting guide on my pc. It will come handy when I will be painting Great War tanks.


Yea mate, its good to have the heavy stuff, it looks cool.  But to play realistic the old Pz 3, 4 etc have to be there.  Ive ben thinking about a French WW2 army, must check the website see if Pendraken do French- they,d be different, Char Bs etc, I know theres a few firms doing 20mm but 10mm? - Ill have a look.  Saying this though Im still painting 10mm Russian Naps and Ive got hoards of AWI Yankies to paint up (must get those new General packs), so nawt happening too quick.  Anycase keep on painting mate - they look great.
B Carl  :D
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