MADFest 2015: Minehead, Somerset: 27th-28th November 2015

Started by nikharwood, 10 September 2015, 03:23:08 PM

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Back by / despite popular demand....

The mighty, mighty MADFest (Minehead And District Fest / Mindless And Drunken Fest - you choose) will return to Minehead in November this year - a quick search of the forum will show you its parentage (first as Nikfest, then MADFest):

Weekend of 27th - 28th November
- Friday - laid back games, chatting, quaffing etc
- Saturday - all day gaming shenanigans & more quaffing etc - also packing up as there will not be any gaming on the Sunday
- Sunday: go home for overnighters

It's at the Old Ship Aground in Minehead again - the pub on the harbour: since the last MADFest it has been totally refurbished and is under newer, much improved management (not to mention the quality [including the easy-on-the-eye quality] of staff) - highly recommended pub now, with top-notch food - which is one of the reasons there's no gaming on the Sunday AM - their carvery is *really* popular!

More details on the pub are here:

We're in the process of blagging prizes / giveaways etc so we'll do a quiz / painting comp / raffle again, bring & buy - and all proceeds will go to a suitable charity: last time we donated to Go Commando to support 40 Commando, Royal Marines who are our local troops (Norton Fitzwarren, Taunton)

Let me know if you're up for it - would be great to see you there! Email:


Pics from last time:,6404.0.html

Pics from times before...


Great to see you are still active, despite your lack of Internet access
Lord Lensman of Wellington
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2022 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2023 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Trowbridge -> Minehead = approx 2 hours = perfectly doable for a days gaming.

What are the proposed timing for the weekend?

- Neil.

Steve J

From memory Neil we kicked off around 10.00am with games running until the pub closed. I think I left at around 7.00pm and a large SYW game was just getting going. So a good days gaming to be had that's for sure.



Thanks for that, does indeed sound like an excellent day. Now to make sure the diary is clear.

- Neil.


Yep - definitely a load of gaming...I think the rough plan (which will get firmed up more) is that the MAD crew will get to the pub late morning on Friday for set up, welcome folks as they come, get some gaming done, lots of chatter basically until pub staff want to kick us out / off to bed.

Saturday is from about 10am as Steve said and again, as long as people want to game & pub staff are happy


Actually, thinking about it - probably worth a look here - info on MADFest 2012 that will still mostly apply


Thanks Nik, that is most helpful. Probably come down for the day as a participant, having only just got back into war gaming, don't have anything to play with yet.

- Neil.


Excellent - would be great to see you - don't worry about bringing any toys, between us here we have got plenty that you're more than welcome to chuck dice at :)


Wonderful. Date is in the diary and I am looking forward to it. Will pack the big box of d6s!

- Neil.


Dave Fielder

... November is a busy period for me but having lost out on Colours (frigging Boiler repairs) I am in need of a gaming fix ...
Romeo and Juliet is a Verona Crisis



I'm the bearer of (probably) bad tidings I'm afraid - the pub (now in its new improved state) is doing really well as a business, which has meant that they have been unable to commit to hosting us for MADFest.

We're looking at the (slim) possibility of another hostelry being able to host the event (it's pretty close to the silly season after all) and I'll keep you posted ASAP - but thought you'd appreciate the earliest notice that this might not now go ahead in 2015. If that proves to be the case, we'll aim for early-ish in 2016.

Sorry 'bout that  :( :( :(


That is indeed news of buggering proportions! Only saving grace is that it's Reville on the Sunday, so November will not be completely devoid of the opportunity to push lead and role dice.

Keeping everything crossed that an alternate venue does materialise though.

- Neil.