Figure that can be used in other Periods

Started by Doug, 28 August 2010, 08:00:10 AM

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Many of the pendraken figure have use for other periods than what they were designed for For example the SCW milita as reistance fighters or as Russian factory militia. So I thought it might be a good idea to list these surgestions ;)


I use quite a few of the crusades-era Islamic types in my Moghuls and Ottoman Turks; even a few in my Muscovites and Ming Chinese. My Cossacks have benefitted rather unexpectedly from a simple conversion of a dark ages Irish axeman (he just needed to have a blob of glue over his Celtic hairstyle to pass for a convincing 16th century Cossack in a "pumpkin hat"). Some Mahdists, NW frontier Afghans, and some ancient Indians have found a home among my Moghuls too. 16th century Irish horse just need a shield to become fair genitors.
  The conversions that are hard to do are those that would involve reducing the clothing worn (e.g. a Cossack pikeman in trousers and with a shaven head - I can't imagine how anyone could convert to that) or really specialist troops, like those of the Mexica Triple Alliance whose name we seem to be discouraged from using on the forum: not easy to stick on a textured feather suit or an alligator helmet.
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


Sensible suggestion Doug.  I can only comment on Modern but the Brit Commandos have a bit of scope in post war, and the Aussie Vietnam range, can be painted up as  1970s Brits in the jungle,  IDF for the Six Day War, or South African.

US Paras will do for Turkish for the 1974 combat drop in Cyprus - now there is a neat modern game !


The new US Marine types in the boonie hats can have a lot of post 1945 applications.
Would be nice to see some types in hats in combat poses