August 2015 Newsletter!

Started by Leon, 29 August 2015, 11:47:59 PM

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29 August 2015, 11:47:59 PM Last Edit: 24 October 2015, 12:14:20 AM by Leon

Welcome to the Pendraken Miniatures newsletter!

As summer wanes and autumn approaches, it's full speed ahead here at Pendraken with loads of news this month!


First off, we'd like to apologise to everyone for the delays on their orders during July/August.  We've had a busier summer than normal so with us all taking a bit of much-needed time off here and there, we had dropped behind on the order turnaround.  We've worked hard over the past fortnight to rectify this and we're back on track and despatching most orders within 10 days at the moment.

In better news, Dave has also now gone part-time at his day job as a lecturer, meaning he's available to work at Pendraken a lot more than previously.  This has already benefitted the release schedule and we're hoping to continue in that vein through to the end of the year.

Latest Releases!

The new releases have been one of the highlights of the past month, with loads of new shiny goodies hitting the website ready for purchase:

> Warband Undead - We kicked off the month with one of the more eagerly awaited Warband ranges, these new figures really look the business and have proved very popular so far.

> Warband High Elves - We quickly followed those up with the High Elves, the first of the Elven armies to come online for our Warband rules.  Techno is currently working on the Wood Elves as well, so those should be released before the end of September.

> Warband Taurians - Finishing up the hattrick of new Warband armies this month, the highly anticipated Taurians have been released and have already sold very well.  We'll have all of the new Warband army packs with us at the upcoming shows.

> WWII & Modern Vehicles - Just so we weren't neglecting any of the historical gamers, we've also got a batch of new vehicles ready to go, including some WWII British trucks and also the mighty Conqueror!

In The Pipeline!

As quickly as we release them, more new sculpts arrive!  This month is all 20th Century goodies, including some WWI mortars and tractors, more WWII French infantry and also the popular T-62!

We've also updated the Top 10 Requests lists, so head over and have a look to see whether your suggestions have made it into the chart!


After a nice summer break, the UK show circuit kicks off again next weekend with the Border Reiver show up in Gateshead.  There's still a little time to get your pre-orders in for this one, but we'll need them sent in to us before close of play on Sunday night.

Following up quickly after that is the resurrected Colours event.  After a break last year, the show is now back as a one-day affair, so make sure you don't come along on the Sunday as you might find a rather empty hall!  We've got high hopes for this change and we hope everyone gets along and supports this show in its new format.  (The show will still be held at the Newbury Racecourse, so no change there.)

And finally, an early pointer towards our very own Battleground show, taking place on Saturday 28th November in Stockton-on-Tees.  We've got most of the traders confirmed and we've just started adding the games to the website as well.  All of the details can be found either on the Battleground website or on our Facebook page.

Minibits Corner!

Over on the Minibits side of things we've just got a couple of new releases for you this month:

> I-94 Decals - The guys at I-94 have released a trio of new decal sets, covering WWII Italian aircraft and some very handy ambulance markings as well.

> Claims of Phwoar... - Or something like that!  We've added some handy rounded corner bases to the website, suitable for use with a certain 15mm WWII based game...

Website Photos!

This month we've added pictures of all the remaining Vietnam ranges, painted up to a fantastic standard by the Forum's own Matt of Munslow.  This lot really look the business and we've seen a lot of new Vietnam customers coming over since we put these online.  All of the Australians can be found here and all of the vehicles are here.  Matt has volunteered to do the Indo-China and Modern Vehicles ranges for us as well, so we're looking forward to seeing those!

Odds and Ends!

A few little pieces of info this month:

> Revell 1:144th planes - Unfortunately we've learnt that Revell have discontinued the 1:144th range of Micro-Wings aircraft.  We were told that it's unfortunately not viable to keep the old tools going and it would cost too much to get them retooled.  There may be some brand new 1:144th kits made in the future, but I don't know if those would be at the same price point as the current ones.  As a result, we'll be selling off our remaining stock over the coming months/shows.  We'll keep updating the website as they sell out, but if you wanted any of them and have been holding off, get in now before they're completely gone!

> We've got some of our resin buildings back from the resin guys and available once again on the website.  This batch includes the 19th C. French farm house and the WWII Russian bulidings.  These can be found in the Scenics section of the website here and we're hoping to have more of the resin back available soon.

> Just in case anyone didn't know, we have a Facebook page where we regularly post news and information.  We tend to post a lot when we're away at the shows as it kills time while we're stuck in traffic in the Pendraken van!  If you're a regular Facebook-er, than head over to our Facebook page and hit the 'Like' button.  And if you really, really want to see all of our latest posts, hover over the 'Following' button and click the 'See First' option as well!

> And finally this month, we'd like to extend a belated 'Congratulations!' to one of our casting staff.  For the past four years Stuart has been working hard at an Archeology degree and he recently graduated successfully.  

That's everything for this month, we'll be ploughing ahead with more releases early in September with the second batch of the Napoleonic British, plus some other goodies.  Don't forget to send your Border Reiver and Colours pre-orders to us in time!

8) - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!