LOA range question

Started by Zbigniew, 28 August 2015, 06:19:32 AM

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While the range is formally named LOA, some of the figures could be used for earlier period, couldn't they?
I woner if matchlockmen for example could be used for Franco-Dutch war in the 1670-ties?

Duke Speedy of Leighton

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Thanks, thats what I suspected :)


Missed this question, but yes I agree many of the figs will work for the late 1660s and 1670s. The main difference is musketeers will nearly all be in cross belts and matchlocks, though small numbers of flintlock armed men can be sprinkled in, or the occasional regiment like Fusiliers du Roi from 1671. Dress is not exactly the same, most stirkingly the cuffs of the coat being much higher, at the elbow with lots of shirt showing, but this is easily overlooked. Pikemen in breast plates or classical helmets are actually better suited to the earlier period than the LoA,as they disappear in the early 1690s.

Look through Northstar's 1672 range and you'll see that they are 90 percent similar to the later period, though not identical. Difference enough to be an issue in 28s or 15s, less so in 10s (it would bother me, but its my job to be strict about detail)
