Techno asks (again).

Started by Techno, 12 August 2015, 06:32:21 AM

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Have 'they' changed something again ?

Up until very recently..... when I clicked on the 'Firefox' button the Firefox Start Page would come up.
Now....Clicking on the same button, brings up the last page either Mrs Techno or I were looking at...Even when the history has been cleared.

Not a problem 'per se'......There's either the forum....A horsey site....Or the Radio 4 extra schedule page.
I just don't like the PC doing something differently all of a sudden.

Any ideas ? (I'll go and have a quick 'Google', anyway)

Cheers - Phil

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Mine loaded parental controls all by itself yesterday, and wouldn't go away, despite disabling several times. Given that mum is suffering from dementia and could even switch it on I was a tad annoyed.

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021


Quote from: ianrs54 on 12 August 2015, 06:41:51 AM
Mine loaded parental controls all by itself yesterday, and wouldn't go away, despite disabling several times. Given that mum is suffering from dementia and could even switch it on I was a tad annoyed.


Mine did that despite the fact that all my children a) are adults and b) none of them live here. I couldn't shift it so I called our tinterweb supplier and they cleared it in minutes. They said that if you clear it yourself it can take up to several hours for it to register. Strange, you can talk to someone almost instantaneously anywhere on the planet but try to get an annoyance removed...
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2017 Paint-Off - Winner!

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

In my case it was reset the hub, which was the one thing I didnt think of...

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021


I now notice that Norton downloaded 'something' to my Firefox applications (?) yesterday...
I might try disabling that...All it seems to do is put a 'bar' in towards the top of the screen, With "This page is safe"......"Access Vault"...(No idea what that does)..And a "Share via Faceache."

Norton did 'something else' a couple of weeks ago which meant I got pretty little 'ticks' on a Google search page.
That b*ggered things up too.....That one I've already disabled....That got rid of THAT problem.

>:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

When things work...I wish they'd stop trying to 'improve' my browsing experience .
Expletive deleted ! (Hint.....Sounds like bankers.....Now I'll have to go and report myself to the moderators.)

Cheers - Mr Grumpy.



check the Menu Bar (top right) -> Tools -> Options -> General -> "When Firefox Starts" -> It probably says "Show my windows and tabs from last time" if so, click the down arrow and select "Show my home page"

Hope that helps.
There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data


Seems to be what it's set up for already 'I'..... :-\ (Having gone around the houses.....The menu I've found says....."Start on firefox home page."
I'll have more of an investigate a bit later......Menu bar no longer seems to have a 'Tools' tab.

It's not really that much of a problem.....I just hate things being tweaked when they worked well. previously.

Thanks - Phil.


I must be a bit of computer Luddite (no offence) because I've used Opera and AVG for absolute ages and never had a problem with either. I change service providers and look what happens.

I had to reset the router after the gentleman on the phone had done his magic.
Blog is at

2017 Paint-Off - Winner!


Oh...How I HATE Norton.....

Over the last couple of hours......Been having an email conversation with Leon, about a figure that needs a quick repair.....
Up until yesterday, incoming mails to 'Live mail' came through at light speed.....
Now it takes a couple of minutes for a one line reply to come through.

Cheers - Mr Totally Peed-Off.

Heedless Horseman

Everything was peaceful on my pc...bunny rabbits hopping amongst the flowers...then...late one night...It All Changed.
Norton seems to have reinstalled itself...and, coincidentally, Windows installed a bunch of updates.
Now everything just seems a little bit wonky on the internet...mainly Google and ebay...but generally too many adverts...especially the ones that jiggle around a bit ...think THEY are slowing things down a lot.
BUT...ain't it strange? Microsoft are pimping Windows 10!    :o
I DO NOT WANT CLOUD BASED S**T! I have watched BSG...I know what happens!    :'(
(40 Yrs ago. I should have been an Angry Young Man... but wasn't.
Now... I am an Old B******! )  ;)


Not sure if mine 'did' the updates last night.
I did have the option to update and restart.
When I just clicked 'Shut down'......I don't think anything came through. (It didn't tell me it was updating, anyway.)

I keep getting hints to update 'free' to Windows 10, too

'S*d off !"......I've got a couple of programs that work fine on Windows 8.....Bet they wouldn't on run on 10.

Not sure if Norton haven't 'repaired' a glitch.....emails seem to be a lot faster this morning. (Famous last words.  X_X)

Cheers - Phil (If it ain't broke, don't try and fix it !)  ;)

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

I'd suggest using the "restore" function, cept that I haven't been able to get it to work for years. It does not like any anti-virus protection it seems.

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021


I'll probably wait until something really drastic goes wrong.....Then I'll get my local expert out to put it all right.

Cheers - Phil


Hope that's not your approach to medical matters as well?

"Well I can't feel anything in my left foot, and the little finger on my right hand doesn't move and my wee is such a lovely shade of violet. I don't mind the cracking noise when I walk upstairs, can hardly hear it if I take it careful like, but that's probably all for the best as the dizzy spells aren't so bad if I take it slow. I now have the rash on the right knee, so it matches the left and there's nothing to watch on the telly, so a little loss of sight after 6pm isn't too much of a bother ..."

"Still, I've kept me hair ... it's in a box under the bed, but I don't like to mither the Doctor. I'm sure the growth is nothing to worry about, and he's probably got a lot of people far worse than me to worry about."

"I'll just keep taking the Radium tablets me grandfather left me. He died at 92, positively glowing with health."
Lord Oik of Runcorn (You may refer to me as Milord Oik)

Oik of the Year 2013, 2014; Prize for originality and 'having a go, bless him', 2015
3 votes in the 2016 Painting Competition!; 2017-2019 The Wilderness years
Oik of the Year 2020; 7 votes in the 2021 Painting Competition
11 votes in the 2022 Painting Competition (Double figures!)
2023 - the year of Gerald:
2024 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


You're still an Oik, Nobby.  ;D ;D ;D

I think I'll stick with the TENS machine, rather than risking putting any of those down my throat !
Cheers - Phil