January Releases!

Started by Leon, 11 January 2012, 03:20:03 AM

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Damn...I need more jobs.
How can you keep doing this? (Releasing better and better stuff that I need to buy)

Think of my marriage! My daughter, my money (okay okay, you do think of that :P)

Seriously those Romans are terrific. Are you revamping the other Romans / Enemies as well?


Quote from: sebigboss79 on 11 January 2012, 09:42:22 PM
Damn...I need more jobs.
How can you keep doing this? (Releasing better and better stuff that I need to buy)

Think of my marriage! My daughter, my money (okay okay, you do think of that :P)

Seriously those Romans are terrific. Are you revamping the other Romans / Enemies as well?


We'll be slowly working through some of the other Ancient ranges yes, and adding new items from the Requests lists along the way.  The Carthaginians will be the next lot released, hopefully in the February batch.
www.pendraken.co.uk - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


11 January 2012, 10:07:28 PM #17 Last Edit: 11 January 2012, 10:10:28 PM by Techno
Language Nosher... ;D ;D

Tsk, tsk,tsk.

Luddite....Exactly what I think myself !.....even with that time machine and some photographic evidence.....would that mean ALL the scuti (?) .....(says Phil, once again showing how useless his Latin is)...were exactly the same.....We'll just never know really will we ?
Satisfying to sculpt them ?.....Couldn't have a better job !....It's fun and a challenge !!

Sebigboss.... Thanks !....Really chuffed you like them !...You'll have to ask that nice Mr Leon about the other stuff.....But the Carthaginians shouldn't be too far away now....I think ? (Oh Leon's just posted while I was typing...Such is life !)

Cheers - Phil.


Cool Nik, . .  . so I go grab my son, he's 6'1" and using the 120cm goes just under his chin to just barely below the knee. But when I do the same for me, I'm 5'10", under chin to mid shin. Just wanted to try it  :D

Anyhoo, I really like the look Techno and cant wait to see the Carthos   :D


Re Shields

I am sorry but I was not knocking Techno's figures, I just said I was not happy with shields, now its ranks of 2 foot legionaires next to 7 foot legionaires all with different shields weapons and god knows what, plus the old British battledress colour question to settle the matter, accusations of pendantry and such like, The republican Roman legion must have looked as bad a rabble as the foes facing them.
There is other books than Osprey.

I am sorry Techno, I will be buying your figures anyway which I think are great.



Thanks Toolsey.

Don't worry about it at all !....What looks 'spot on' to one man will look 'wrong' to another....and I don't believe Luddite was having a 'pop' at you.
I know there are other books than Osprey...They're just so readily available and relatively cheap as reference sources.
For individual periods I'm sure they could be bettered.....But I end up buying rather a lot of them....Can't afford to go too mad cost wise. ;)
Like I say....I don't think we'll ever know for absolute certainty one way or the other.
Even if somehow there was a photo of just one 'grunt' from the period, would we be able to say ALL the others looked the same ?...Probably not, for certain ?

Really pleased you like them anyway ! .....

Cheers - Phil.


The other point to bear in mind, of course, is how well they look en masse, since 10 mil wargames figures are habitually viewed from a scale height of 400 to 500 feet. Personally, I'm in awe of anyone who can sculpt a recognisable figure just 10mm tall. =D>
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.



Quote from: Techno on 12 January 2012, 12:27:24 PM
....and I don't believe Luddite was having a 'pop' at you.

Certainly not having a pop!!   :-h

"It is by tea alone i set my mind in motion.  It is by the juice of Typhoo my thoughs acquire speed the teeth acquire stains, the stains serve as a warning.  It is by tea alone i set my mind in motion."

"The secret we should never let the gamemasters know is that they don't need any rules." - Gary Gygax
"Maybe emu trampling created the desert?" - FierceKitty

2012 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!

"I have become inappropriately excited by the thought of a compendium of OOBs." FSN


Well this is probably having a "pop" but in the photo of pack ARR9 Italian Allies, what is the chap on the left of the photo supposed to be doing? Is it some sort of under arm javelin shot or just the bottom half of the spear missing? A very strange pose.


No sweat Martyn.

From memory (Hah!) he's supposed to be thrusting the javelin/spear forward from the base (of the spear)....May have distorted slightly ?
Perhaps I might need to tweak that one at some stage in the future ?

Cheers - Phil.


What are those armoured archers meant to be doing in a Republican range? Is this becoming a fantasy site?
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


Quote from: FierceKitty on 18 January 2012, 10:31:37 AM
What are those armoured archers meant to be doing in a Republican range? Is this becoming a fantasy site?

Some people asked for them, they can be used for the later end of the period, and also could be easily used for other areas as well.  Generally a handy couple of figures.

www.pendraken.co.uk - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!