Claymore 2015

Started by Ithoriel, 31 July 2015, 09:59:21 PM

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Well, final prep for tomorrow in hand.

Picking up my nephew from the station at 09:25 then off to the show to spend money I don't have on things I don't need :)

May bump in to some of you there!
There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data


Sadly not, it's a bit far for me. Plus, I'm off to get filthy drunk at the rugby with a bunch of mates  :D
Well that went down like a lead baboon......

O.P.E (Oik of the Pendraken Empire) - 2015 Honours List.


Well if you spot a bald fella with a rapidly greying beard,plenty tattoos and a shirt advocating bass guitar.

That will be me ;)


Have a great time, all.  :)
Cheers - Phil


My selection of pics of the games at Claymore

Good day had by both self and nephew and less cash spent than expected (though possibly more than I should have spent!).

kodiakblair if you were there I missed you, sorry.
There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data


Very nice selection of piccies, 'I'
Hope you had a really good day.

Cheers - Phil


Good photos, I forgot a camera :-[

I also forgot to be sporting a bass playing shirt,it was hidden under a bowling shirt emblazoned with twin dragons ;)
Fact it was a day of forgetfulness,stocked up on bases from Minibits and forgot to buy more dice.

On the spending front I behaved myself quite well,no 2mm goodies anywhere so a couple of 3mm command packs were got.couple of rule books
for horse & musket bought at B&B despite owning no horse & musket figures  :) and a pack of 15mm resin walls for a fiver.

All told no a bad day,caught up with some folk and saw soon interesting games. I was going to say hello to a very tall fella from the forum but he was having a kip :o

Glad you and the nephew enjoyed your day

old smokie

awh feck forgot it was on  :'( :'(


01 August 2015, 08:10:11 PM #8 Last Edit: 01 August 2015, 09:24:15 PM by Westmarcher
Well, I was there and never saw any of you*   [-(  

...... or did I?   :-\

* except Dave
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.


Quote from: Techno on 01 August 2015, 06:15:56 PM
Very nice selection of piccies, 'I'
Hope you had a really good day.

Cheers - Phil

Seconded =D>

A good mix of ages in the attendees and quite a few "more intelligent sort of girls", to quote HG Wells ;) :)
Lord Lensman of Wellington
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Quote from: kodiakblair on 01 August 2015, 07:46:59 PM

I also forgot to be sporting a bass playing shirt,it was hidden under a bowling shirt emblazoned with twin dragons ;)

Well dang! Walked right past you then and admired the t-shirt!
There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data


Quote from: Ithoriel on 01 August 2015, 08:21:47 PM
Well dang! Walked right past you then and admired the t-shirt!

It is quite an impressive shirt even if I say so myself  ;) Got a compliment from Dave Lanchester about it too.


I dressed my age.   :P
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.


Excellent photos - thank you.

One pic nearly made me lose my cornflakes, however.   I think (god I hope)
it shows an arm not a belly.... :o

Anyway. really impressed with the effort put into the games - this certainly
encourages attendance at next year's show.




Quote from: Glorfindel on 02 August 2015, 09:28:44 AM
One pic nearly made me lose my cornflakes, however.   I think (god I hope)
it shows an arm not a belly.... :o

Worry not Glorfindel, merely an upper arm :)

The guy stepped sideways just as I took the shot and i only realised afterwards it was the only shot I'd taken of the game. I think the only game I didn't get a shot of was TFL's post-WW2 CoC* game - too busy yakking  :-[

Thanks to all for the kind remarks about the pics as a whole. I'm quite pleased given they are taken with a forty-nine quid compact in less than ideal lighting conditions!

*Chain Of Command not Call Of Cthulu as I tend to read the acronym :)
There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data